Chapter 5: Night To Be Merry

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After Battle Report
Remaining Darkrose Legion Forces: 7327 Soldiers
Major Casualties: None
Remaining Battleblood Viking Forces: 5753 Soldiers
Major Casualties: Unknown, Command chain scattered

We were currently eating in the dining hall that was in Ashwood castle, which was in the center of the city. Argen Lorderious, the husband of Amber and commander of the Lightshield Cohort, stated that the castle's dining hall was reserved for the Cohort and the Darkrose's high command. Everyone was drinking and being merry, celebrating their victory against the savages that were the Battlebloods.

"Why aren't you drinking Fuyukuma?" Laura asked next to me. I was sitting alone but the girl and her friend Ash decided to join me, I could do without them but I didn't want to be rude.

"Not much of a drinker..." I said and lightly sipped the cup of wine. Sure I could hold my drink, but I was never one to indulge myself into it, unlike Michael and Mother.

"You're clearly not much of a talker either, I can respect that." Ash said as she sat next to me and hiccuped a bit. I nodded to her question and kept looking around.

"Ash! You're drunk already aren't you? I told you to slow down!" Laura berated her friend, who in turn waved her away.

"I'll be fine, besides *hick* this is only my third tankard." She downed her cup and grabbed a nearby jug for more. Gods above, how can Laura tolerate her?

"Fine, but if you pass out, don't expect me to drag your butt to our room, because I won't." Laura huffed and crossed her arms childishly, causing me to chuckle. Both girls immediately looked to me with wide eyes, well, that ruined the moment.

"Did he...just chuckle?" Ash asked Laura, as if I wasn't sitting between them.

"I think he did...incredible." I cleared my throat loudly and the two looked away.

"Oh hey, Amber is motioning for us to come to her table. *hick*" Ash got up and Laura followed her, with the latter lightly dragging me by the arm. We approached the table where Amber and Argen sat along with quite a few other men.

"Here, take a seat." Amber motioned to the chair adjacent to hers and I sat down. Ash went back to drinking and Laura timidly sat next to me. "Now, I wanted to properly introduce you to my council and friends here in the Darkrose Sanctuary. Of course, you've met my husband and second in command, Argen."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Fuyukuma." Argen reaches across the table for a proper Ashfeldian handshake and I took it, grasping his forearm for a second before sitting back down. "Amber here has said that you are quite skilled in battle, where did you get your training?"

He was answered with silence, I could tell him, but I don't find it necessary to. I'd rather not open up the gates of my past. The mark Apollyon gave me will make sure that I don't.

"Oh. You're a strong silent type eh? Too bad kid, would've loved to hear you sing. I'm Ademar by the by." The one called Ademar said in a slurred speech as he burped, the smell of ale on his breath. The male Conqueror brushed him aside and held out his arm in greeting and I grasped it.

"Stone. Jarvis Stone. Pleasure to meet you." We both shared the traditional greeting and separated before looking to the rest of the table. Amber cleared her throat before speaking above the rest of the dining hall.

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