Chapter 2: Needed Once, Needed Twice

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Everything was silent as I stirred slightly. I opened up my eyes and was met with a lit candle chandelier on the ceiling, illuminating the room I was in. I tried to sit up but a sharp pain in my side sent me back down, and I tried not to scream. Unbeknownst to me footsteps came to my direction and from my vision I could see it was Amber. She didn't have her helmet on, or her armor for that matter. Just a leather tunic and pants.

"Oh, you're awake. Good, Ash was worried about you, as were the rest of us."

" long was I out?" I ask her meekly, it felt like my mouth was full of cotton.

"About a day. Thankfully the Battlebloods have not returned and we've had time to brace our defenses. How do you feel Laura?"

"Tired...exhausted. Also my mouth feels dry...can I have some water?" I ask her and she nods, going to a corner of the room. She comes back and helps sit me up before handing me a clay cup full of water. I drink it down in only mere seconds before handing it back to her. "Thanks."

"Don't thank me. Thank Fuyukuma for helping you, if it wasn't for whatever medicines he used, you would've bled out for sure, not to mention he sewed your wound really well." Amber tells me with a smile. So it really was him, the Demon of Winter saved me from death.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"He left shortly after I paid him. Ash went to go give her thanks but when she came back, she was just; shocked. She wouldn't say anything for awhile but when Argen and Ad talked about going to the tavern, she finally snapped out of it." Amber explained to me and played with her hair braid.

"So, that's where they are eh? Drinking till their souls give out?" I joke and we both start laughing. For as long as I could remember Ash loved to drink. Said it made her happy and that it helped her forget her past. I sighed and pushed that thought out my head, no way can I ever mention Ash's past. "Where am I anyway? This is certainly not the infirmary."

"No, it's our room. Argen didn't want you sleeping in a plain clinic bed so we moved you here. Are you comfy?" Amber asked and I indeed was. I snuggled into the comforter and giggled, it really was comfortable. "I guess you are then, enjoy it, because tomorrow we're gonna have to move you to the vaults." Amber said and I looked up at her.

"Why?" I asked her, no way can the Battlebloods already be ready for a second assault.

"They are coming back, scouts have returned saying that they are getting more reinforcements from the coast. As I speak the men are rallying back more knights and reinforcing the outer walls of the sanctuary." Amber said and looked out of the window that overlooked all of Ashwood castle. I slowly and painfully got up from bed and walked (or rather limped) next to Amber and looked out onto the city. You could hear the chatter and activity below, torches and braziers lit up the lower and inner city. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

"It really is, it must suck that the vikings would attack a place as peaceful as this..." I said and continued watching. People were going about their business in the city as if no attack happened. Of course there was still some evidence of the site with the destroyed buildings and the fires outside the outer walls where the Lightshields were burning the enemy's corpses.

"Unfortunately, they're only here for two things, plunder, and blood. But when the time comes tomorrow we're gonna rally everyone back into the vaults underneath Ashwood. And I'm gonna summon Fuyukuma again." My eyes widened at her mention of summoning the almost supernatural mercenary again.

"Do you think he'll show up again Amber?" I asked her. Her face was stoic but I could see the nervousness in her eyes, thank you Shinobi training.

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