Chapter 4: Et De Mane

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"Catapults! Fire!" The catapults all launched their fireballs into the lower city, explosions erupting from their landing sites. Buildings will be damaged, some destroyed, but with the resources we have we can fix them.

"Technology was beginning to advance very quickly in our world. Recent rumors said that in other parts of our world, there's weapons that use gunpowder to launch stones at the enemy, there's even a portable version of one for a soldier to carry."

"Reload and fire!" The ammunition teams started to load and light the next volley of explosives. When they were all lit, I moved my hand forward. "Fire!"

"Lady Peltaris!" A Lawbringer ran up to me as the catapults launched their projectiles. I looked and identified him as Lieutenant William.

"Status report?"

"Lord Lorderious is and Sir Meneth are holding the wall but require reinforcements. The frontline in the main square is beginning to break, what should we do?" He asked me a bit hastily.

"Damn it, take the reserve troops and reinforce the front walls! Maya! Paulette!" Two Peacekeepers ran up next to him and quickly saluted.

"My Lady, you asked for us?"

"Grab the 77th Defenders, we're reinforcing the front, let's go!" We all broke into our groups, with William running off to collect the reserves while Maya and Paulette grabbed the Regiment we needed. "Open the gate!"

The Lightshield warriors at the top of the gate began to open the gate and lower the drawbridge of Ashwood.

"On this moment, on this day! Become the warriors you were born to be! To battle!" We all rushes out of the gates and made our way to the main square of the city. When we arrived, chaos was an understatement. The frontline was broken up, footmen were fighting left and right, and the smell of burning flesh was pungent in the air.

"Amber!" Stone snapped the neck of a Valkyrie with his flail before tossing her body aside and running up to me. "My Siegebreakers and what remains of the shield wall are holding them back, but I lost Ash after those bastards threw Fire Flasks!"

"Keep calm Stone, focus on pushing them back. Everyone! Assist Stone and the front, kill them all!" Everyone did their war cry and rushed off into the fight. I began to make my way away from the square but Stone grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To find our friend." He nodded and let go before running of back into the fight. I ran down a side street and on the way saw a path of carnage. The street was absolutely littered with bodies, but the strange part was that they were only viking bodies, none of them ours. As I checked some of the bodies I heard a struggle close by and sprinted to the source, when I rounded the corner into a market I saw Laura on the shoulders of a Warlord, he was attempting to pull her off of him but she was nimble, wrapping her blades under his neck and severing his head cleanly from his shoulders.

"Heh, kill number seven." Laura said and I could tell that under her mask she was grinning. I cleared my throat and she jumped, holding her weapons up. "Amber?! Don't do that! Why are you here? I thought you were watching over Ashwood!"

"I was, but I heard the frontline in the town was scattered and that Argen needed reinforcements. All of these bodies...your kills?" I asked her and poked a dead captain with my blade.

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