"What else has caught your attention other than the awesome me?" Gilbert looked to where you were staring off in the distance, his eyes widened.

On accident, you were staring at his brother, Ludwig and, Feliciano.

"Nothing, I was deep in thought!" You said, flustered.

"What do they have that I don't?" He questioned, pointing to the other boys you were 'staring' at.

A light bulb turned on in your head. Is Gilbert..Jealous? "Is someone jealous?"

He paused and blushed. "...N-no! Why would you think that?"

"You hesitated.." You smirked at the Frozen reference.

"No! The awesome Gilbert doesn't get jealous!"

"Mm hmm." You rolled your (e/c) eyes. "I totally believe you Gil.." You said sarcastically.

Someone's definately jealous.

"I am NO-!"

"HEY DUDETTE!" Gilbert was interrupted by the loud voice of Alfred.

"What Alfred?" You responded.

"Do you mind if I borrow Gil for a little while?"

Alfred smirked with Mathias. Oh great, what are they planning? you thought with worry.

When those three got together it was never good. Ever.

"Not really. What are you three planning anyways?" You asked suspiciously.

"Come on Gilbert dude, lets go!" Alfred exclaimed and grabbed Gilbert's arm. "Hey _____, make sure you age a front row seat for the show~!"

The American then ran away with Mathias and Gilbert.

Great, he dodged your question...

That's never a good sign..


You sighed as you sat at the bar. The show was almost going to start.

What's the show you ask?

No clue.

"Hey _____! What aren't you standing by the stage like Alfred told you?" Your friend Elizaveta asked.

"Hey how did you-?"

"No time to ask questions! C'mon, lets go!" She interrupted and pushed you through the crowd.

Annnd she's in on it too.

Now this really isn't good..

You two finally made it to the stage, and you were front row center.

"Liz, what's going on?" You asked.

"You'll find out soon~!" She said in a sing-song tone.

Now I'm really scared.

I'm not a fan of being in stage I front of a bunch of people..

It's not my idea of fun..

Suddenly the curtain opened.

Here we go..

"Hello ladies and gentlemen!" Alfred's voice boomed over the speakers.

The crowd went wild.

"To start off tonight's show...we have someone who wants to say something to a special someone of his!" Alfred smirked.

Oh no.


I tried to turn and run but Liz was right behind me.

Damn it!

No escape.

I crossed my arms over my chest and had no choice but to stand there and get ready to be embarrassed.

The crowd cheered again.

Alfred smiled, and I could've sworn he was looking directly at me. I'm going to get him after this! He better watch his back!

"And without further adieu..GILBERT!" He turned and pointed to the curtain that rose again, and Gilbert was standing right there.

Oh great..

"I vould like to say somezing to a very avesome (awesome) girl tonight!"

The crowd cheered and clapped and whistled at Gilbert's statement.

He continued. "It's been a year since I've met jou, and since zhen, jou vere zhe only thing on my mind.."

Then it hit you like a freight train. He was talking about you! Your crush was talking about you!

She gulped into the microphone. "And I've vanted to say zhis to jou zhe minute ve met.."

Your heart started to beat faster and faster in anticipation.

"..._____, I love jou vith all my heart! Will jou be my totally avesome girlfriend?"

A spotlight shined on you in the crowd, you looked over and saw no other than Alfred and Mathias smirking by it.

You rolled your (e/c) eyes at them.

"So _____, Vhat do jou say?" The albino looked tense, you could tell.

Well, here goes nothing...

You thought as you made your way to the stairs to get onstage.

You looked him in the red eyes and smiled.

You grabbed his face with your hands and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

"Vhat's jour ansver?" he smirked.


He smiled and kissed you again.

You heard the faint sound of laughter and high 5ing over the loud roar of the crowd.

That was the best day of your life..and you were glad to be set up that day...

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