Chapter 19

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"Umm do you mind taking me to the train station, Harry isn't feeling too good and Allie is taking care of him and I don't know where Marcel is..." I ramble while lying through my teeth.

"Oh sure it's about ten minutes away from here. Just give me a few minutes to put all this dinner together and we will be on our way."

Thank the heavens that I'm not in that car being interrogated with question for thirty minutes. Hopefully we will be there in no time.

"Do you need any help in there?" I ask trying to be polite. My lies will come clean soon and I hope I leave somewhat of a good impression.

"Ok love I'm ready, are you?" Anne asks me.

"Yes thank you for taking me"

With that we walk out of the door and toward the car. Everything I need, by my side.


Marcel's POV

" Hey Harry, have you seen y/n? I've looked everywhere and I cant seem to find her" I ask

"Oh yea she left with mum" Harry says still looking at his phone.

"Well do you know why she left with mum, please dont tell me they were having a "talk"

"Yes Marcel! i wouldnt lie to you!" Harry says yelling a little bit.

"I didnt say you were lying. But wait, that means that you know something i dont" I respond catching on to harry's reactions

"Look, i dont know anything." Harry says walking out of the room.

Harry speeds down the steps and outside the door while i follow behind him.

"Look, just tell me what happened. I wont be mad" i shout

" You wouldnt understand" Harry says sheepishly getting in the car. He quickly speeds off while i stand in the doorway.

"I wonder what that was about." I close the door and i sit down calling y/n"

C'mon c'mon y/n pick up. i know you are somewhere around here.

Harry's POV

I can't let Marcel know what I did. He will hate me and y/n already does. I can't fix this any kind of way. Marcel will never forgive me and if mum finds out, I will never be allowed back home.

As soon as Marcel gets somebody, I ruin it. That will make me seem like a jerk who is jealous of his brother's girlfriend. I can't tell him that I kissed her. I just can't. He already went through this depressed moment. I can't have him go through that again.

I guess if I really wanna make things right, I ought to tell the truth.

I pull over at the local park that I always went to when I was younger. Going there always gave me peace. I just need some time to think.

I walk on the pathways trying to clear my mind. Just then my phone rings. I get my phone out and I see that y/n is calling me.

"Uhh... hello"

"Yea Harry this is umm y/n. I was just calling you so you can tell Marcel that I'm going back to London. I didn't have the heart to tell him. Plus he will interrogate me with questions."

"Yea. I'll tell him but where are you going to stay. Well just invade he wants to know. "

"I'm going to stay with a friend. That's all he needs to know at the moment, but I have to go."

"Wait do I hear a tra- great she just had to hang up."


Can't let Harry know where I was. Or anyone for that matter. I just need my space from everyone. They are a nice group of people but, it's all too much for me. I love Marcel to death but this is just something I had to do.

"Ok love are you ready? Do you have everything?" Anne says.

"Yes. Thank you for making me feel welcomed. Sorry that this came up. " I respond.

"It's ok. We all have things we don't plan for to happen to us."

"Isn't that the truth. " I say

Anne walks into the the station with me and it is totally packed. There isn't a single seat.

"Do you know which route you need"

"Yea I'm pretty sure but I left something in the car. I'll be right back"

"Wait why are you bringing your bags with you?" Anne asks.

"Yea I don't want to unwrap my suitcase in here so I'll bring it out. "

"Ok love I'll try to say you a seat if you find one. "

I love Anne but I really have to do this.

I pull out a pen and paper and I write something down for Anne. Just then a car pulls up.

"Thanks for coming!" I say

"You know I always will"

I pack my things in the car and then we speed off.


OMG it has been soo long. I know this chapter is short and crappy but I have been compacted lately with no time. I'll try to update more frequently but I'm not expecting much reads. I wouldn't read my story either. But thank you to all the people who came this far with me. Much love forever!!!!!

Oh sorry for any words that are way off. I was doing this on my phone and I'm not the best texter. I feel like I'm not saying thank you enough. Sooooo

THANK YOU x 1,000,000,000,000

Xoxoxo bbs

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