Chapter 20

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Hi everyone. I know it has been like 3 months since I have updated last and you probably wont remember what happened but i hope you will read it :)



Can't let Harry know where I was. Or anyone for that matter. I just need my space from everyone. They are a nice group of people but, it's all too much for me. I love Marcel to death but this is just something I had to do.

"Ok love are you ready? Do you have everything?" Anne says.

"Yes. Thank you for making me feel welcomed. Sorry that this came up. " I respond.

"It's ok. We all have things we don't plan for to happen to us."

"Isn't that the truth. " I say

Anne walks into the the station with me and it is totally packed. There isn't a single seat.

"Do you know which route you need"

"Yea I'm pretty sure but I left something in the car. I'll be right back"

"Wait why are you bringing your bags with you?" Anne asks.

"Yea I don't want to unwrap my suitcase in here so I'll bring it out. "

"Ok love I'll try to say you a seat if you find one. "

I love Anne but I really have to do this.

I pull out a pen and paper and I write something down for Anne. Just then a car pulls up.

"Thanks for coming!" I say

"You know I always will"

I pack my things in the car and then we speed off.


Marcel's POV

I havent seen y/n or my mum in a while. I wonder where they are. I keep calling her over and over but i go straight to voicemail. Harry left the house a while ago also so her i am, all alone, just like i deserve to be. That's why y/n left me and why Harry never want to be bothered with me. I dont even know why I was born. Nobody even likes being around me. I'm a waste of space.

Harry's POV

I dont know where im going after i leave the park but i just have to get away from Marcel. I cant make him go into depression. Again. I will leave him alone until he forgets what he wanted to know. Once y/n comes back he will be fine...Right?

Marcel's POV

I sit in an empty house, staring at the front door. 30 minutes pass until i hear the door knob jiggling. I see my mom but no y/n.

"Hey Marcel you look tired" my mom says while putting her purse on the kitchen counter.

"No, I'm fine. Where's y/n" I ask sternly

"She didnt tell you? Oh maybe she was in such a rush. I had to drop her off at the train station but I didnt see her get on the train. So i just came home. I'm kind of worried about her.

"Wait so she is gone?! She left. again!?! What did I do? Am i really just this bad?"

My mum runs over to carress my back. "No Marcel you are wonderful. She left because of an emergency"

"Then how come she wont answer any of my calls. I have called her 23 times and i havent even gotten a text back! Harry left and hasnt come back for the past 3 hours. Before he left he was saying how he couldnt tell me anything about y/n. They problem met up somewhere and are making out and talking about how much of a loser i am."

"Marcel I dont want to hear you say anything like that again." my mom says softly. "Now go upstairs and get some rest. We will talk more about this in the morning."

Anne's POV

I straighten up the living room and i dig in my purse looking for my phone. Instead of my phone, I find a crumbled up note. It says,

Dear Styles Family, I love all of you very much. Especially you Marcel. I didnt answer anyone's calls because I knew i would be pestered with questions. I want you to know that you dont have to worry about me but isomething came up on short notice and I had to leave. I'm really sorry it had to end this way but I will try my best to come back. If I dont, know that I will never forget you Marcel because you were the best thing that has ever hapened to me. Thank you Allie for always having my back even when you didnt know me. Anne for letting me come into your life like you were my mom. Harry, for supporting me while I tried to help your brother. I think that covers everyone. Love you all.


I begin to tear up just knowing its from her and that she had time to do this make me wonder a couple things.

Just then my cellphone rings. I dig in my purse and i see that its y/n. I quickly answer and before i can say hello, I hear.

"I'm sorry I left!! Harry kissed me!!"

I have nothing to say. I stand there frozen. My second oldest tries to take my oldest son's girlfriend. I cant believe Harry. I hang up on a rambling y/n. and I immeadietly call Harry. It's time for Mama Bear to come out now.


Hiii. I know it has been forever but I tried to make this a good chapter :/ School is. Wow. Blame school for the lack of updating. I love you guys for still giving me read even though i didnt updat in 3 months. 3!! also sorry for any mis-typed words. I know there are a ton and my i's arent capitalized. Sorr about that. But thanxs again :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Forever love

-bbs xoxoxo

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