Chapter 12

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I pull her into my lap and I hold her hands in mine. I start to rub her arm and I say,

"Love can I tell you something?

"Anything Marc"

"Well do you promise not to get mad?"

"It all depends on what your about to say Marc. I cant make any promises."

" Weeell" I say


Marcel's POV

"Well what Marcel?" y/n asks

"So do you remember just now in the hospital..when I said I didn't want to leave?"

"How could I ever forget?"

"Haha well the funny story is, is that I was just kidding. And before you get all mad I want to explain why I did it." I say

She gives me a nod of the head to let me know I should continue.

" So I was testing you and Harry to see if you would actually let me stay there. I was testing to see if I was a burden on Harry and I was testing you to see if you really cared for me."

I felt my face go red on the last part. I hope she doesn't think I'm weird or a lunatic. I don't wanna seem too attached to her. I don't know what's going I happen from here with us.


I guess I had mixed emotions by this time. I mad that he would test me like that on something so serious. I was hurt because he actually thought I didn't care for him.

" I guess I understand marc, but why did you think that I didn't care for you anymore. I kept telling you that I forgave you and I still do forgive you. So why did you test me?"

" Would you honestly believe that if you almost kill someone, they are still going to love you, or like you for that matter" Marcel explains

" Well if I couldn't stand being around you and hated your guts afterwards, I wouldn't have stuck by your side." I say with a smile

" Yea that is true.." Marcel says, clearly thinking

" Y/n I just want you to know that sometimes I am emotionally unstable, but I don't want you to leave me. I've come addicted to you. You are my air, world, life. You are everything I need to survive. So promise me you wont ever leave." Marcel says getting a bit teary eyed.

"I could I ever leave someone so perfect" I say

He smiles and adjust his glasses.

" But I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow." I say

Marcel's genuine smile already faded but he tried to replace it with a fake smile. He failed.

"Marcie, I said ill see you tomorrow."

"Yeah I know what you said. But I have one more thing I need to tell you."

"Ok I guess I have a little time. Remember I have to go help another friend move into their house."

"You never told me that", says Marcel

"Well its not that important...So tell me what you were going to say" I say playfully.

I was trying to soften the mood because when Marcel said "You never told me that", he sounded upset and kind of shocked.

"No. Tell me who you're helping" Marcel says bringing up his voice a little

" I know its a guy because if it were a girl, you have said something by now so who is the guy!" Marcel's voice was just below a shout.

I looked into his eyes and they weren't greenish with a hint of brown like they normally are. They are dark brown. The same color of his eyes when first hit me. He starts walking towards me. I back away until I hit the wall.

"Uhh.. Marcel I think you should sit down...Y-You don't look too well" I explain stumbling over words.

"What's his name!!"

"C-C-Cory" I voice barely above a whisper

"Cory." I repeat again. A lot more loudly.

"I have never met Cory before, what's he like?" Marcel asks sounding like a creeper.

"Marcel your scaring me."

He was now standing right in front of me. We were breathing each other's breath that we were that close. Then it looks as if he calms down. He relaxes his shoulders, his breathing is more steady, and his eyes are more green.

Then I see a fist.


I know this chapter is way shorter. I tried to make it sound as if they were going to kiss. but they didn't obviously... Ill try to do more the next time. Thanxs for all of the reads The last time I looked they were at 1660. You guys just don't know how much you make me happy with all of the really sweet comments and new votes and reads. That literally makes my day!!

Thank you guys soo much

-bbs xoxoxo

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