Chapter Three

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(Third Day)

You were walking along the sidewalk to head to the park where you were supposed to meet Marcel. Since he took you out yesterday, you wanted to repay him back by taking him to your place so you can cook some food and watch movies and a ton of other things.

As you were getting closer to the big tree you saw Marcel. You smiled to your self knowing that he kept his promise.

"Hi Marcel" you say

He jumps to his feet and holds out his hands so you can shake it "H-Hello Y/N"

Even though you had met each other a few days ago you don't know why he is still so uptight and nervous around you. You both had just spent all of yesterday together. Then again you can't warm up to somebody that quickly I guess.

"Well Marcel I was thinking that we could head back to my place and hang out for a bit. I don't really know what you like to do I figured this would be a good way to find out. Oh! and I can cook what ever you like. This is my official thank you for the date yesterday"

"Y/N I told you that seeing you smile, having a good time, and saying thank you like 50 times was enough." Marcel says with a giggle.

"Well I don't think it is, so come on! Lets get to know each other better!!"

You grab his hand and he starts to blush but you don't mind. You pull him on the side walk and you start running to you flat.

(2 Minutes later)

"Phew what a run. I'm....all..out of....out of..breath" you say

"I know what you mean" Marcel says rather quickly

You glance at him with a smirk as you try to open the door. You two enter the flat and flop down on the couch still trying to recover from the run. You turn the ac up and you go into the kitchen to fix some iced cold water. As you give him the water, you realize a couple stand of hair with out gel on them.

"Hey Marcel, do you need any gel? A couple strands of hair are sticking up if you do, its around the corner in the bathroom under the sink"

"Y-Yes thank you"

He comes back after a minute or two, and you randomly decide to make grilled cheese. wou were already done with his plate and you were making yours.

"Wow you a fast cook"

"nah not really I just grew up making a grilled cheese sandwiches....well what do you want to do first?

he didn't respond and you turn around to see him with his face full of the sandwich. He tries to chew and swallow quickly and some how manages to do it.

"Umm I don't know maybe we just sit down and watch a movie."

"Ok the movie basket is over there under on the tv stand."

He gets out of the chair and walk over to the movie basket with half a sandwich in his hands. You see him trying to eat more slowly and choose between two movies. He was stuck between love actually and the titanic.

"so which one is it gonna be" you ask

"well I love the movie love actually but I have never seen the titanic and you have obviously seen love actually since you bought.. so I will go with the titanic."

You put the movie in and you cuddle next to marcel thinking about all the things you have learned about him.

1. He keeps his promises

2. He is not much of a runner

3. is embarrassed if his hair is out of place

4. loves grilled cheese

5. like having lunch for breakfast since it was like 6:45 in the morning

6. Hasn't seen the titanic until now

7. loves the movie love actually

8. is a great cuddlier

9. appreciates the little things done for him

You look at him and smile and you scoot as close to him as possible. He really helps you fell protected and you really hope that he can be yours some day. For the rest of the day you ate grilled cheese sandwiches, watched random movies, especially love actually. And you make a lousy fort and take a nap in it together.

The story of us ( Marcel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant