Chapter 16

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I see her nod in the back seat as she takes out a notepad and pen to write down all the places he could be. I look over at Y/n who hasn't really talked since we found the letter. She is looking out the window with a poker face as if she is a robot and cant have emotions anymore. I reach over and tap her shoulder. " Its gonna be okay Y/n don't worry we will find him." I reach down and grab her hand and I interlock our fingers. She looks at me like im a psycho and yanks her hand way from mine. Now she looks angry at me and I know I messed up.

Crap Styles what did you just do. Its definitely going to be a long week.



I don't know what Harry thinks he is doing. We are searching for his brother and he wants to suddenly hold my hand!? I know the difference between people holding you hands. There are at least three. Number one, there is the 'im scared' type of holding hands. Number two there is the ' im protecting you'. And lastly there is, ' we are friend but I wanna be more'. When Harry held my hand, it the type of ' we are friends but I wanna be more'. I am so over the top angry that I cant even put it in words. How does he expect me to trust him now when all three of us are supposed to be worried about Marcel.

I told Marcel that I would not go for Harry. Even if it took everything I had, I would not go to Harry. My heart is set on Marcel. No one is going to ever change my mind. Ever.

Ally's POV

I just got off the phone when I saw Harry grabs Y/n's hand. Talk about awkward. I could feel the tension in the car. No body talked and all of us were looking out some type of window. Y/n's face was contorted and I could tell that she was furious. Harry has a face with many different emotions. since I have known Harry for a long time, I know what he is feeling. his eyes say ' I'm stupid'. His face shows ' I should be ashamed', and his body language portrays ' I should be a better brother'.

The car has been quiet for thirty minutes. All you could hear was the occasional ' clearing the throat' to break the silence.

" Hey can we stop for some food, I'm kind of getting hungry." I say totally interrupting the silence

"Yea but it will be in about twenty minutes so we can be five minutes away from the train station" Harry explains.

My stomach does this extremely loud growl and it sounds like my stomach is dying. That goes to show how long I can wait for food.

20 minutes later:

Harry's POV

We finally get our food and it looks like Ally isn't even chewing. Y/n is barely eating and stays on the phone the entire time. She was trying to call Marcel even though when we asked her, she said no. She probably called him about 35 times. with now answer.

After we all throw away our food, well, except for Ally who gobbled hers up,

We arrived at the train station and it looks like a cabin. I hold the door for Ally and Y/N being the gentlemen I am. Or at least I try to be after how I acted towards Y/N.

We sit in the lobby and try to make a plan of the quickest and easiest way to find Marcel.

After about ten minutes of ' I think we should go here' and ' no that's a crazy idea he wouldn't be there', we came up on a decision.

I walked towards the booth and asked for three tickets

"Hi I would like three tickets furthest east from here, do you have any?"

"Yes we do! that is $55.00 dollars per ticket please"

I look around the lobby and I see that nobody else is here, in fact I didn't even realize Y/n and Allie left.

" Uh yea sure thing, just can I run out to my car, the rest of the money is out there?"

"Oh sure" says the receptionist. She leaves the booth and walks into a room that reads employees only as I walk out the front door into the parking lot.

As I walk out, I see Y/n and Allie unloading the car. From where we were parked, they couldn't see me walking up and as I get closer I hear more and more of what they are talking about.

" Well maybe Harry didn't mean it as a flirtatious way ya know. Maybe he was trying to be sympathetic." says Allie.

I stop dead in my tracks hoping that this wouldn't have come back up today, but it didn't obviously. They continue to unload the car with only a few bags left in the trunk.

I then hear Y/n say, " Yea right Allie, if it was sympathetic, he would follow up by saying we will find him don't worry, or something on that line but he didn't. I promised Marcel and I wont break my promise. I want to be the best I can be for Marcel because he is that best I have ever had and I understand all of the things we have been through on so little time of really knowing each other to the nittie gritties, but I think he is doing this because he doesn't think he can trust me. But if this is how I have to prove it to him, by dropping everything I have to do just to save him or go through things over and over with him, then I will do so and I wont stop as long as it means I will have Marcel next to me again."

My heart shattered in my chest and my thoughts rampage inside my head but are interrupted when I here the trunk close. I quickly walk from behind the tree to act as if I wasn't eaves dropping.

"Hey I just wanted to make sure I was buying the right tickets before they were purchased. Oh and they are $55.00 dollars each so lets keep that in mind."

I help carry some of the bags into the lobby when suddenly, Y/n halts.

"Y/n why did you stop?" I ask

" I see Marcel... hes right there... one the train he is boarding... HARRY HE IS ON THE TRAIN!!! WE HAVE TO GO GET HIM AND BRING HIM HOME!!!" exclaims Y/N

I look in the general spot of where Y/n was looking and I see him too. He is settling his things above his seat.

Its been a while since I last updated. Its been test after test. Project after Project. Track Meet After track Meet and so much more. I sincerely apologize for that and how crappy this chapter is. Thanxs for all the reads once again!!! You guys give me a reason to be proud of what I write after I began to get reads on my chapters. Thank you soooo much!!

Love you guys :)

-bbs xoxoxo

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