"I'm a magician, babe." He winked at me. 

"Don't call me babe." I scowled at him. He just laughed. 

"I know you like the nickname." 

"Not in this lifetime, babe," 

"Oh my God August, you cook like a freaking pro!" Rachel shouted; it wasn't hard to catch how excited she was. 

"No biggie." August replied casually. 

"No biggie? No biggie! What the hell is wrong with you! If Kadea could cook half as well as this, I might actually accept the idea of her being in a kitchen." I glared at her. It was true though. I couldn't cook to save my life. 

"Hey, don't bring me into the equation!" I defended. 

"We both know you can't cook so I don't see why you're defending yourself." She was right but that didn't stop me from glaring at her anyways. 

She just raised her hands in defeat and smiled at me. It wasn't a nice smile either.

"Anyone wanna hike?" I asked hopefully. 

"Maybe tomorrow, Kadea," Cole replied. I knew no one would actually want to hike but it was worth a try. "But I know something completely freaking awesome that we could do instead." 

We all looked at him hopefully because, after breakfast, all of us were pretty much bored out of our minds since we couldn't think of anything fun to do. 

"I didn't bring those quad bikes - fully gassed up might I add - so that we could just leave them there." 

We all jumped up and raced over to the car. August got there first.  

"Guess what I just found out?" I exclaimed; gaining all of their attention.

"What?" They all looked at me expectantly. 

"We just found someone that can outrun Cole!" 

Rachel, Kade, August and I cheered. Cole just glared at me. 

He unlocked the trailer at the back of his car and let the ramp drop. 

"You're gonna have to share 'cause I really didn't have space for six." Cole informed us when all of the bikes were arranged in front of us. No... it wasn't because he couldn't afford the extras, it was because they couldn't fit. 

Freaking rich people! 

The ground below our tyres erupted as we all took off on our bikes.

We criss-crossed down the hiking trail that eventually led to a path that followed along one side of the lake. I was seated behind August with my arms wrapped loosely around his waist since I wasn't like those wimps that couldn't handle a bit of speed. My mind kept on drifting back to the kiss last night and just how alive I'd felt at the time. 

How the hell could someone so damn hot think that I was even remotely attractive? 

The quad-bike jumped over a rock and redirected my attention. 

We were in a clearing now. It was lined with trees that blended together to create a big green mess because we were moving so damn fast. 

Me being me decided that it would be a good idea to try distracting August. I poked his side and laughed hysterically as he jumped in his seat and swerved. 

"Do you want to die young?" He shouted over his shoulder. 

"Yes, if it means I don't have to touch you anymore." I joked. 

There's Always August [Completed]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя