Unlikely Friendships

Start from the beginning

"What?" you bristled. "No! We-we're staying here, and if what you say is true then we'll just have to scour for some other area we can live in then."

"Out here in this barren land? And on winter?" He shook his head slightly. "Y'all be droppin' dead like flies. I simply can't leave you like...this." Jesse gestured to everything with the unmistakable look of concern and disgust contorting his handsome face. "And do you really think it's a good idea wanderin' around when the Overwatch base is literally nearby? I thought that's what you were tryna avoid in the first place."

"Overwatch base?" Life fled from your eyes. "Like...you mean the minor bases? Watchpoints?"

"Where do you think we are now, doll?" McCree asked, a small smile of amusement lighting up his face. Oh, this was going to be good.

You were silent, and brought your gaze down upon the floor as it came to you like a zap of lightning only seconds later.

"We're in Switzerland?" you cried out.

All that time spent flying and you end up in the same continent anyway?!

"The northern outskirts of Zurich," McCree clarified, hitting your way with gun fingers. "-the real deal."

"No." You were hyperventilating. "No, no, no, no--this can't be real!"

You were more than angered with how fate decided to toy with you; giving you the tangible illusion of a sweet victory only for it to do a full 180 and lead you right into disaster.

"Hold on now, darlin'." Jesse was trying to calm you down, cautiously so. He used that thick chocolate-honey combo velvet of a voice that soothed you a little as you heard it rumbling in his chest.

You could have sworn you heard a similar sound awhile back, but it may just be a dream or a distant memory you couldn't be bothered to recall. As of the moment you had enough on your hands, and in despair you wanted to stab yourself in the stomach.

"Look, I get that you don't wanna go to the base, but I just can't in good conscience leave ya here. I figured you'd rather prefer my apartment--I don't use it much, if you want-"

"And then what?" you spat, on full guard once more as you interrupted him. "Do you really think I can't see right through you? You think I don't know what you have in store for us?"

"I promise it ain't gon' be like that-"

"Then why are you being so nice?" Your hostility didn't lower itself. "Why are you doing all this?"

"Cause I am nice..." he shrugged before a solemn shadow darkened his features. "And I know how it is bein' you right now: confused, hopeless, scared--I've been there. And I know the lengths you took just to get your man back. You have my respect, and now I'm going to have to need you to trust me.

"If I really wanted the both of you captured, trust me darlin' it would've been game over for you long ago. As clever as you are, I am more so tenfold and you wouldn't have stood a chance." He then cracked a smile to ease your spirits. "Come on, I have bunk beds. It's gon' be lit."

You took a moment to drink in his persuasions and you hummed amidst the pensive silence as you leaned towards agreement. If anything, the unsightly flaws of the building's interior only strengthened your resolve, and it wasn't long before you nodded your head and held out an open palm with a sigh.

"Fine. I suppose I know when to accept help," you muttered with a huff. "But I'll still have my eye out for you, cowman."

"You won't regret it." He laughed and brought a hand down to vigorously shake yours and seal the pact.

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