GALE: I'm not good with chapter names

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Gajeel's P.O.V

Flamebrain wanted me to get to the guild early today, said it was important. Him and Frosty wave me over to a table.

"Whaddya want."

"Me, hot head over here and a few others are having a competition, thought you'd be interested." Gray said.

"Oh yeah? Who's ass do I have to beat now?" I cracked my knuckles.

"Not that sort of competition. Have you ever heard of New Year's Kiss?"

"Sorry. I only like girls." I said.

"Not like that ya idiot. Kiss a girl of your choice at midnight. If you don't, you lose. And the punishment is that we can make you do whatever we want you to do, on New Year's day." Flamebrain explained.

"Tch. What girl? It's not like I have a stupid little crush." I lied. At that moment, Shrimp walked in carrying a few books. We stared for a while, until I heard the guys laughter.

"So you don't mind if I choose Levy?" Natsu teased. I clenched my fist.

"Touch her and I swear to Mavis I'll brake every bone in your hand." The guys snickered at my comment.

"Then it's settled."

"Well who are you two after?" I asked.

"Lucy, of course. Who else would I choose." I knew Natsu had a thing for Bunny girl. "And I'll be kissing Juvia." This made me mad.

"I hope you realize, " I started. "That I think of Juvia as sister. I won't admit it, but if you make one wrong move-" I was cut off by him waving his hand.

"Relax dude. I'm not gonna hurt her, I couldn't do that." Gray said.

"Awwww~" Natsu cooed. "That's so adorable."

"Shut it, ash-for-brains!" They threw insults at each other. I decided not to join in on this one.

~~~~ time skip, the festival~~~~

Shit. That's what I was neck deep in. Shit. I thought about the other pairings. Juvia and Frosty, how could that go wrong? She was obsessed with him.

Natsu and Lucy are really close as well. Hell, even Elfman had a better chance then I did.

I had been tailing the group of girls for a while now, waiting for an opportunity to get Shrimp away from her body guards. She wore a cute green dress with a matching bandanna. A little green flower tucked behind her ear.

I wanted to kick myself over there already, it was starting to get late. Suddenly feeling cold, I look up to see it started to snow. I peek around the corner, where I last saw Shrimp. SHE WAS GONE.

I ran out, looking in all directions. "Oh thank Mavis, Gajeel." I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey Lily. Have ya seen-"

"She went that way." He pointed his paw. I thanked him and continued running. There she was.

She closed her eyes as she hugged herself. Damnit, why didn't you think of something?! I scream in my head.

Slightly panicking, I walk over to her. I took off my jacket which had fluff on the inside. Hanging it on her shoulders, she opened her eyes.

"Ga...jeel?" I looked away, feeling my face heat, then jumping when I feel cold arms against me.

"C'mon, let's go!" Shrimp reached her arms into the sleeves, which she definitely didn't fit, and snatched my hand. The fluff from my jacket tickled my wrist.

She dragged me to a bridge, and stopped to look at the water. I saw our reflection, and noticed how different we were.

She was smiling. I had my usual stern look. She was rather pale with smooth skin. I had dark, scarred skin. She was short and cute while I was anything but.

"Is something wrong?" Levy spoke. "You spaced out a bit."

I turned to see her face with slight concern. "There is... One thing..." I say.

"Y-y-yeah?" She stammered. I smirked as I picked her up from under her arms. I pressed Shrimp against me and like I had hoped, she wrapped her legs around me. (Don't be gettin dirty thoughts)

She blushed a lot as she squirmed in my grip. "Careful Shrimp, I don't wanna-" I faked dropped her and Levy screamed.

I laughed, pulling us back up. She puffed her cheeks out.

"At least we're eye level now." I teased. "Baka.." she mumbled back.

We were like that for a while, I slowly shifted my weight from foot to foot, slowly turning with the faint music in the background. Our foreheads touched.

"10!...9!...8!.." they started counting down and we opened our eyes. Hers were so beautiful.


"Fuck it" I said as I closed the gap between us. I kissed her gently, and she leaned into it. I could feel Levy playing with my hair.

We braked for air, fireworks blasted around us."H-hey. How about we go back to my place?" I suggested, immediately hearing how creepy it sounds.

"Perv." She giggled, but agreed. We held hands down the cheering street. I didn't care if people saw us. I kissed her blue head as we got to my apartment.

Opening the door, I smelled something.... Someone.

"What's wrong?" Levy looked up at me. I flicked on the lights and saw Lily at the bottom of the stairs.

"Don't worry. I was just leaving. " He smirked as he saw us holding hands. "Don't do anything stupid now." I was gonna kill that cat. We kinda just stood there awkwardly until he left.

As soon as I heard the click of the door behind me, I picked Shrimp up by the waist and carried her to my bedroom.


"Gihi. Your so perverted." I sat her down on the bed and threw a blanket over us. We talked for ages in our little fort that was held up by our heads.

It was a great night that night.

Levy's P.O.V

I woke up, lying on top of him. He still wore his white suit and I was still wearing my dress and his jacket. Gajeel looked so peaceful when he slept.

Our legs were tangled under the blankets, and my arms were hugging him. One of his arms was around my waist and the other on the back of his head.

I reached up and kissed him on the lips, and tried going back to sleep on this giant. He shifted beneath me.

He kissed me on the head and now both of his arms were around me.

Happy New Year, I thought.

Reeee it's so beautiful!! The chapters won't be any longer than this was. And yes I know, I did it in a random order instead of doing the main characters Lucy and Natsu. Well 1) this is my favorite ship 2) this book isn't going to side with any specific ship, it'll probably be equal. So like, 1 really long chapter or 2 chapters. Anyway, next will be Nalu, then Gruvia then Jerza. I won't spoil anymore. Cya!!

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