And so it begins

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Levy's p.o.v

New year's Eve. A time of romance, celebration, and most importantly, an excuse for Fairy Tail to get more chaotic than usual. Master told us that we have to prepare Magnolia for the festival today , so I decided to get to the guild early and go to the library.
     I open the guild hall doors and don't see many people. The only people here were Master, Mira and some boys whispering by a table in the corner. Those boys were Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel. Gajeel must have heard me walk in because he started staring at me when I walked in. Our eyes locked for a few moments, then he looked away. Was he..... Blushing?
     No I must be imagining things. I say hello to Mira then scamper up to the library.

~~~~Time skip~~~~

To be completely honest, I wasn't much help with decorations around town. Well, most of them involved hight, which I don't have. And I tried scoping out some girls so we could go shopping for new dresses for the festival. I had already gathered most of them: Lucy, my closest friend, Wendy, Juvia and Mira. But there was one more that we were hunting for.... One particular red head.....

"THERE YOU ARE" Lucy yelled pointing. Yep, there she was. Erza Scarlet, working hard as per usual. She wiped her brow with the back of her hand and walked over to us.

"Hello." She said, smiling.

"We were wondering if you would like to hang out with us tonight." I asked.
She looked perplexed.

" We'll be buying matching dresses," Lucy bribed.

"I'll be there." Erza's eyes lit up. "So when are we getting the outfits?"

"Well, we thought now." Wendy spoke up.

"I could use a break." And with that, we left for the shops. It took a while for us to find similar dresses in the range of sizes we shared between us. While looking for dresses Lucy looked up.

"Oh noooo." She sighed looking out the large window. I looked up and saw Natsu carrying a box of stuff down the street. He saw us as well, and when he found Lucy he gave her a big toothy smile and a wink. Lucy's face turned pink. I couldn't help giggling, and neither did the others.

After Natsu had gone out of view Lucy started searching through the dresses, her breathing a bit shaky.

"Ooooooo" I heard from across the store. "Juvia has found a pretty dress!" The water mage exclaimed. She pulled out a blue dress that would go down to her ankles. It had straps that overlapped at the back and it bunched under the chest and flowed loosely.

"I think I saw a few of those over here too!" I hear Mira call from over where she was.

After finding a heap of those dresses in our sizes we all agreed we would each pick a color from the rainbow and wear it. Erza would obviously have a red dress, Mirajane said she wanted the orange one, Lucy had the yellow, and then we got stuck. Wendy, Juvia and myself were bluenettes. After some debating and arguments, I got the green one, Juvia got the blue and Wendy got purple. We're all so excited for tonight!

~~~~Another time skip~~~~~

We all met up at the tree in centre town. We took photos before we walked around Magnolia. It was truly beautiful. The sun had started to set and the lights Fairy Tail had hung, as well as other decorations, lit up. The streets were full of buzzing people, shopping at stalls just as we did.

As the night grew darker, more people returned home and our little rainbow grew less colourful. Most went off with some of the guys, some disappeared, and Mira was dragged away by Elfman and Lisanna. Soon it was just yellow, green and blue.

I heard sniffles from Juvia. "What's wrong?" Lucy asked.

"J-juvia misses... GRAY-SAMA!" Waterfalls sprouted from her eyes, making two puddles at her feet. Lucy swiveled around and spotted him and Natsu talking.... Not fighting, arguing, not even throwing names. Just, talking. Lucy got their attention and pointed at Juvia, giving Gray a death stare.

"Juvia, are you alright?" He asked. Juvia gasped.

"Gray-sama, will you walk with Juvia?" She sounded so sweet when she didn't go all stalkery.

"S-sure." Gray choked. Lucy, Natsu and I gave each other looks, with some eyebrow wiggles too. We burst out laughing when they were out if ear shot.

"Stripper and stalker, sittin in a tree," Natsu started.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Lucy and I laughed. We were there for a while, talking. Well, they were talking. I just stood there awkwardly.

I sighed and excused myself. I walked down the street, alone. Less people were here, but a quiet hum filled the air.

"Look! It appears to be snowing!" Panther Lily said. I look up, watching it fall onto my nose. I turn my attention over to Lily again to see if Gajeel was with him.

"Hey have you seen Gajeel?"

"No, he's looking for you too." He gave me a cheeky smirk. I sighed then continued walking. The cold seeped into my skin, causing Goosebumps to form.

So there I was, alone and cold. On the last day of the year.

ACK I'm sry I didn't want such a long chapter. I was honestly going to write more until I looked at my word count. I hope you like it so far, but you'll have to wait till next chapter for the shipping to begin. I can't wait I've been planning this for ages. Next chapter will be awesome, I promise. Also the picks will probably always just be memes. :P

NEW YEARS EVE - FAIRY TAILNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ