Chapter Three

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Here's chapter 3 as well. Should I continue posting? If I should leave a comment.

Disclaimer: What you don't recognize is likely ours, but the rest belongs to the wonderful JK Rowling.

Chapter 3: Albus Dumbledore

 Nicolette's Point of View

We all stayed frozen behind the couch and stared up at the man. He seemed kind and harmless, but then again he did just break into my freaking house. Finally after dragging ourselves out from behind the couch. I was the first to speak up and asked, "Why are you in my house?" Bella was still half behind the couch, Alaina was frozen in her place, and Lily was staring completely in shock.

"Please let me explain, Ms. Eclipse," Dumbledore said calmly.

"How do you know my name?" I asked nervously. I would have remembered meeting someone who had looked like him. 

"I know all of your names," Dumbledore said gently. "As I said I am Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster at Hogwarts. Hogwarts is a school that teaches kids from ages eleven to seventeen how to control their magic." He paused and looked around the room."Students like yourselves."

"What?" Bella said crawling out from behind the couch right next to me. All of us? How could that be possible? I barely believed what had just happened downstairs. "Wait...did you mean all four of us?"

"Yes. You are all witches," Dumbledore said not seeming surprised at our shocked faces. "Honestly, I was shocked when I found out myself. I thought the Salem Ministry was keeping tabs on all the Salem Witch descendents, such as yourself Ms. Eclipse, but it seems as though those files haven't been paid much attention too. In fact, many of them were destroyed." I remained silent and stared ahead of me. We were actually witches? All of us? A thousand thoughts began running through my mind.

"Well then how come people only believed it was a story?" I asked him curiously. If there were really witches in 1692, then why do people today say the witch trials were an act of jealousy? Everyone believes the began due to rumors.

"The truth has died down to be just a story because that was how the ministry wanted it to be. Ms. Eclipse, you are indeed a pureblooded witch. We never would have found any of you if you didn't open that book." I smirked over at Bella as if to say I told you so. I guess I did a good deed by accidently opening up the book. "Which I never suggest you and Ms. Stone do again, that book contains some seriously dark magic." Bella shot a look back at me and I looked away.

"How do you know our names?" Lily asked him confused. "I don't understand how."

 "Ms. Astraea," Dumbledore said. "There are so many things you do not understand about your farther Zacharius. I probably shouldn't be the one telling you, but a time like this calls for explanations. He was a student at Hogwarts, and a very fine one at that. He also is a pureblood, which makes you two half-bloods considering that your mother is a muggle..."

"Muggle?" Lily wondered aloud.

"Non-magical folk," Dumbledore said and then continued on. "Your father left London about fifteen years ago during a very serious time, and it was under my request. It was complicated, but that's a story for another time!" He clapped his hands together, "Although he never mentioned he had kids, probably for your own protections. Always smart that Zacharius. He stops by every now and then." He then turned towards Bella. "Now, Ms. Stone. Your parents were both purebloods as well, I knew your parents." I couldn't believe he knew Bella's parents. I knew she'd probably begin asking him a thousand questions. Her face lit up. Before Bella could ask anything about them, he quickly changed the subject. "Now any other questions?"

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