Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12 All Aboard the Hogwarts Express

Lily's POV

"Oh my god," Bella said looking up at it and smiled at us all. Our trunks and pets were taken to storage and then we boarded the already packed train. Around us everyone seemed as though they knew each other. A few people stared as we passed by, and it probably was because we didn't look like first years and were definitely not familiar faces. At least we caught up with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. "It's packed," Hermione stated looking back at us. We came to a stop in front of an empty cabin. "Here, you four can take this one. Ginny, Ron, Harry, and I can squeeze in with Neville over there." She pointed to the one across from us.

  "Alright, thanks," I said to her stepping into the cabin. It was the perfect size for four people, we wouldn't be a bit crowded.

"Once the train starts, people start moving around usually," Hermione said before stepping into the cabin across from us. Nikki and Bella had already pushed past me and taken the window seats, throwing their stuff everywhere. Alaina sat across from I did looking out the window at the other people. Our cabin door was shut.

"Can you believe we're actually on the train?" Bella said speaking up after the compartment door was shut. "I'm nervous though. Everyone here seems to know one another, we better make other friends at least." Nikki had nodded in agreement.

"I know," Nikki agreed. "And did you guys see people looking at us? I hope it's not too obvious we're completely new at this..." She pulled at the ends of her long blonde hair.

"Well, as long as we don't do anything stupid," Alaina began saying. "I'm sure we will be fine. Though I'm a bit nervous about how we're going to do the sorting..."

"Why?" I asked looking at my sister. Alaina tended to overthink everything. I thought there was only one way to do the sorting, the hat?

"Well it's typically done in front of the entire school, but that's the first years, so it's expected. I wonder what they're going to do for us because technically we're not first years. I don't want to get up in front of the entire school," Alaina admitted. Though she was smart, Alaina did not like being in front of people. She never liked having attention on her.

"You'll have to just go with it Alaina," I said. "Like Hermione had said, you won't notice everyone staring at you." Alaina glared at me for adding the last part and I smiled with a shrug. She was fun to tease.

Once the train had started we finally settled in. We wanted to wait a bit before moving around. Nikki had pulled a mirror from her pocket and Alaina rolled her eyes at her. "Really Nikki? A mirror?" Alaina said giving her a dry look. "In your pocket?"

"Hey, I did my makeup before I could even open my eyes this morning," Nikki defended. "I was just making sure I looked decent." Alaina never focused too much on looks. She rarely wore any makeup on her face and always had her curly brown hair either pulled in a bun or a low pony tail.

"Um Nikki..." Bella said lowly. "Could I see that mirror?" Alaina then gave Bella the look as well. "What?" she added defensively. "I just realized I got ready without any light because I couldn't find a match to light the candle." Bella held the mirror up to her tan face and quickly patted down her dark brown hair before handing it back to Nikki.

I never really cared too much about looks. I had my curly brown hair in a French braid I put in last night before I went to bed, it wasn't messy this morning so I left it in. The ride was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be. Usually I would have bought something to do in the car but that usually involved electronics and they didn't work here. A candy cart had come by shortly after. I didn't recognize any of the candy, no M&M's or Skittles to be seen anywhere. I asked the lady what was most popular, and that was the chocolate frogs. We each bought one and just put them in our bags. "I'm going to go visit Harry," I said remembering we could move around. My legs were getting bored.

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