Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter 25: Dragons

Lily's Point of View

We were all sitting in the common room and gathered around the fireplace. We couldn't take the book with us out of the library, so Hermione explained everything she remembered about the Eclipse article. The necklace was what scared me most though, if any muggleborn touched wouldn't end well. "So Nikki is a Parsletongue?" Harry asked shocked.

"I guess so," I said to him with a shrug. "She was the only one who could read the necklace."

"Her very late grandfather was a Parsletongue. It's genetic," Hermione added. That makes sense. Just then a small looking first year girl walked over to us. We all stopped talking, not wanting anyone to overhear anything.

"Excuse me," she said to us. "Harry Potter?" Harry nodded but didn't hide the confusion on his face. "Professor Hagrid told me to tell you that he wanted to see you before curfew."

"Oh, er, thank you," Harry said to the girl and then stood up. "I have to go see what he wants."

"Bye Harry. We'll finish later then," I said to him. As he walked away. Hermione was looking at me with a knowing look. She stood up from the couch and began gathering her things. "What?" I asked her getting up as well. The two of us began to walk towards our dorm.

"You like Harry," she said.

"What!" I said too quickly. "!" I blushed. We walked inside and I shut the door behind us and leant up against it. "Is it that obvious?" Hermione laughed and nodded.

"Not to boys," Hermione said with a raise of her eyebrows. "They don't know anything about this sort of thing. I've noticed the way you look at him." Did I look at Harry a certain way? I wish I could see myself when I looked at him. The other day he did catch me staring...

"I didn't want anyone to find out," I said and blushed.

"Lily, you can tell me anything," Hermione said to me. "I promise. I won't say a word to anyone. You can trust me."

"Thanks and yes please don't tell Harry about that. I don't think he likes me back in that way," I admitted. I noticed that Malfoy liked Nicolette, because he showed it. Harry didn't act that way around me. Not that I would want him to act like Malfoy, he just didn't act as though he was interested in me that way.

"Harry likes you." Hermione said slowly. "He's always hanging around you."

"I know he likes me as a friend. But I don't think he likes me likes me, and I don't want to push him because that could get awkward...I think we're better off friends. He has a lot going on." I laughed.

"I'm not going to tell him until you want me to," Hermione said nicely. "But please don't give up on him. I'm sure he likes you but just isn't showing it. Well, it's getting late. Only a few more days until the first task. We need to start helping Harry," Hermione said with a yawn.

 The next morning came too quickly. Last night my thoughts consumed me as I tried falling asleep. "Lily!" Hermione called as she was shaking me harshly. I quickly opened my eyes and looked around. Everything was blurry. I looked up to see Hermione standing over me, fully dressed for the day already. She was pulling open the curtains to let in more light.

"What's going on?" I asked her while rubbing my eyes.

"The first task is dragons!" she said nervously.

Dragons, there are real dragons? They exist? This world keeps getting stranger and stranger. I should have expected that though. Harry has to face a dragon... This isn't going to be good if the dragons I believed in when I was eight are the ones he'll be up against. "What?" I exclaimed getting out of bed quickly."Dragons? What is he possibly doing with dragons?"

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