Chapter Thirteen

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Alright, so still working on the cast. It may take a while but here's the sorting chapter. Finally they're at Hogwarts & it only took me thirteen chapters haha, enjoy.

By the way, the other students cannot hear what the hat is saying to the girls haha, just to clear that up if there's any confusion. Since it's in first person, I made it seem like it was being spoken out loud but only the person being sorted can hear it.

Chapter 13: Welcome to Hogwarts

Lily's POV

Once our boat got around the rocky cliffs, my eyes laid eyes on the castle for the very first time. It was the most beautiful sight I think I've ever seen. Before us stood a magnificent stone castle that was spread out upon the rocks, towering over everything. I've never seen anything so tall in my life. It looked like something from a fairy tale. Stars were reflecting onto the ocean and the castle just screamed magic. "Wow," was all that I could say. If it was this beautiful from out here on the lake, then it must be damn gorgeous on the inside.

 Pulling up to the dock, we stepped off our boats and followed Hagrid into the entrance hall. He opened the giant double doors and brought us all in. The inside was dark as well, but it wasn't the unwelcoming type of dark you saw in horror movies. It was simply magical. I was right about it being gorgeous already. "Now, wait here fer Professor McGonagall," Hagrid instructed and smiled at us before walking up the stairs. The four of us stood a bit farther away than the first years. A few were still looking at us rather confused.

 "Guys, this may be the last time we see each other for a while," Alaina said sadly turning towards all of us.

 "What are you talking about?" Nikki said shaking her head. "That won't happen, right?"

 "If we get separated at the sorting, we won't see each other as much. We'll probably make new friends and we'll only see each other on the weekends. Our classes will be different and you eat with your houses. It's very rare that we'll all be in the same house." She had a good point. We grew up together, but we all had very different personalities.

 "It's going to be fine," I said to my sister patting her on the shoulder.

 "Hello and welcome to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry," said a new voice. Before us stood a lady, probably in her late sixties, with her hair pulled back into a tight bun and wearing dark maroon robes. "The sorting hat is ready for you know. But first, Dumbledore has made it aware that there are students from America?" The woman looked towards the crowd and easily laid eyes on us. "You four," she motioning towards us. "Will be sorted first. Follow me everyone."

We all shared one last look. I looked into Bella's dark eyes, Nikki's coffee colored eyes, and my sister's yellow green eyes. I guess this was it. I entered and noticed there were four long tables. Alaina was keeping her head down at the floor, but I stood close to her. I spotted Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting at one of the closer tables. I waved to them and they whispered 'good luck'. Dumbledore was sitting up on a platform looking down at us, he smiled at them and then stood up. "As I assume you have noticed," he announced to the room. "We have four new students from the United States this year that are in years three and four. They will be sorted first. Proceed, Professor McGonagall."  Harry was right about the announcement part.

 "Astraea, Alaina. Third year," she called. Alaina took a deep breath and then looked over at me with an anxious smile. The hat was placed on her head as she took her seat and crossed her ankles. She kept her eyes down on the floor and listened.

"Well, I see we have an intelligent mind here," the hat spoke but she didn't flinch. She knew the hat would speak and thankfully so did I, or I would have had a heart attack. "Advanced for your age and a bit of sarcasm mixed in, but I can see that you're shy and like to keep to yourself. I know where to put you... RAVENCLAW!" Alaina opened her eyes and stood up.

Betrayed [Harry Potter]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora