Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter 24: Secrets

Lily's Point of View

"Good morning Harry," I greeted him as he walked downstairs from his dorm. I was sitting at the table in the Gryffindor common room and rushing to finish up the homework I never got to do it last night because of Snape's detention. When I got back to my room I was too tired to even think of what day it was. I fell asleep right away. I noticed Harry look more tired than usual with dark bags under his eyes.

"Hello Lily," he said as he walked over to me. "What are you doing here alone? Aren't you going to go down to breakfast?"

"I wish," I answered. My stomach was growling but I needed to get my work done. I was already behind as it is. "Because of Snape's pointless detention, I never got to do any homework last night."

"I could help you," he offered nicely. "Maybe we'll be able to get to breakfast then." I smiled at his kindness. Over the past month, I've really grown to like him. Like really like him. I loved how modest he was and managed to stay that way through everything he's been through. How friendship was the most important thing to him. His hair, his eyes...I could go on and on. I guess Bella and Nikki were right about something. "Lily..." Harry said slowly waving his hand in front of my face. "Are you alright?"

"Oh...yeah," I snapped out of it. I hope he didn't notice me staring. "No Harry, its fine. Really, I wouldn't want to make you."

"But I want to," he said sitting down next to me.

"Oh, alright then, only if you want to." I smiled at him and we began to work.

Thanks to Harry's help, I was able to finish my homework and make it to breakfast on time. People were already clearing out though by the time we got there. Hermione waved us over. Alaina was sitting with her and they were both were looking angrily at the Daily Prophet. "What are you looking at?" Harry asked them. Hermione handed him the paper, we both looked at it. A large picture of Harry was staring blankly back at us. It was all about Harry. Apparently Harry said that he's not afraid to cry about his parents and he knows they'll be watching over him.

"I said none of this!" Harry yelled while reading it. We kept reading on, it seems as though Rita Skeeter interviewed other people about Harry as well. It seems as though Harry has found love at last! Was the title of the next article. Oh boy...

Or shall I say 'loves' It seems as though Harry has his eye on more than one girl this year. Colin Creevey says that Harry is rarely seen away from close female companion Hermione Granger, a beautiful muggle-born witch. But lately Harry seems to be giving most of his attention to another new and beautiful Hogwarts student from the United States, Lily Astraea, half-blood witch daughter Of Zacharius Astraea, former Ministry employee. They have been seen together multiple times around the school. Is this going to lead to a cat fight? Over the boy-who-lived?

It was the first time I've ever seen my name in the newspaper, or ever expected it to be. "This is ridiculous! Who does this lady think she is?" Harry yelled. Tossing the paper back onto the table and sat down roughly pushing his plate aside. I sat down beside him and looked at the paper again. It was awkwardly silent for a while.

"Come on," said Hermione with a sigh. "Let's get to class."

On our way to class, we found that it was just another unenjoyable day of course. Mostly the sneering comments from the Slytherins were what got to us the most. They kept taunting Harry about how he 'cries' for his parents every night. "Beautiful?" We heard Parkinson shriek. "Her?" The other Slytherin girls that were with her laughed as Hermione passed. The worst was when we saw Malfoy and Nikki kissing, or 'snogging' as they call it here, while being surrounded by other Slytherins. Nikki's back was towards us, Malfoy smirked at us as we walked passed, knowing that it would get to us. I guess what Alaina said was true, they were really together.

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