Chapter Seventeen

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 Chapter 17: The Unforgivable Curses

 Lily's Point of View

"Astronomy...tower, where is that?" I said glancing all around me. Hogwarts was perfect, but extremely confusing. If it wasn't for Harry and Ron leading me everywhere, I wouldn't have made it to any of my classes on time. There were so many random corridors and pathways. How did anyone remember all of this? I definitely had a lot of learning to do. This weekend I was just going to walk around and familiarize myself with everything I could. It would probably take the whole year though.

"On the other side of the world," Harry responded sarcastically then smiled. "It's a long walk." We all began walking but Hermione wasn't following us.

"Aren't you coming?" Ron asked her.

"I'm not taking that waste of a class," Hermione said annoyed. "The teacher is a fraud seer. I'm taking Ancient Ruins instead." Hermione turned and walked away. Was this class really that bad? I was looking forward to it actually. I used to love going to fortune tellers back home with my friends in Salem. 

When we arrived at the Divination room, it was set up just how I imagined it. There was weird fog coming out of bottles, curtains hanging, beads hanging on the wall, and an assortment of crystal balls. There also weren't any chairs, we had to sit on cushions. IT reminded me a lot of the psychic fair we had every October in Salem. Thinking of that...what if there were any real witches there? If only I knew...There we only a few people in the room when we arrived. Lavender and Parvati were right in the front row and looked eager to be there. We sat down at a table in the middle as Draco, Nikki, and a few others walked in. Draco glared at Harry and Ron but Nikki kept her head down. I'm sure the ferret situation wasn't too pleasant.

"Good afternoon my pupils. I am Professor Trelawney," a voice said from behind a closet of curtains. A lady with wild red hair and huge magnifying glasses stepped out from behind the curtains. "Welcome back, welcome back!" she said. "Today, we will start off with a review of tea leafs. But before I begin. I will start off with my prediction for the year!" she said, and then gazed off into space and started making all these funny faces. "Ahha! Very interesting year! Very, interesting. Someone in this building, is not who we think they are. Strange things we happen...I see an numbers. Rules will be broken! Friendships abandoned and many mistakes. I tell you, and..." she gasped and grabbed her heart, "Deaths!" she gasped. "Many deaths!" She came out of the daze and then brightened up with a smile. I looked at Harry horrified, was what she saying true? "Begin," Trelawney clapped her hands.

"Don't worry," Harry said. "Remember what I told you about this class earlier." I relaxed and started on the tea leafs. Harry said this lady was out of her mind, I only hoped that was true.

This wasn't as hard as I thought it would have been, you just fill the cup with tea, drink it, and observe the patterns left at the bottom. I started drinking the tea. I absolutely loved tea, my father used to put it in our bottles when we were younger. He was an addict himself. I glanced over at Nikki who looked extremely frustrated because ever since I've known her, she hated tea. Except for green tea of course. She hated the smell of it and the one time we dared her to drink it, a drop made it into her mouth before she dropped the mug and spit it out all over the place. "Wait we have to drink this?" I heard her say completely grossed out. She was staring her dark eyes down at the cup.

"Yeah..." a Slytherin girl said to her. "Don't you drink tea?"

"No," Nikki said with a disgusted look on her face. She sniffed it and put it down. "And I'd rather not...Unless green tea is an option." Knew it. Everyone looked at her curiously. 

"You've never had this kind of tea before...?" Malfoy looked at her like she was from another planet. "What do you drink then in the morning?"

  "Coffee," she said. "It has to be iced though, not hot. I won't drink anything that's not freezing." I already knew that. She wouldn't even drink hot chocolate. Nikki had her weird and picky habits. "Maybe I'll just tell her I'm allergic..."

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