Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9: The Quidditch World Cup

Bella's Point of View

The stadium was larger than I'd imagined. It was larger than any of the football stadiums my dad had taken us too. "Seats a hundred thousand!" Arthur Weasley said. "Ministry has been working on it all year." The crowd was roaring with excitement while people were setting off confetti and lights. It was absolutely insane. I was loving it. We continued walking all the way up to the top.

"I'm so excited! This is going to be interesting to see," I said to us while taking a sip of the butter beer I had bought. I glanced up and down the stadium at all the people from all over the world. You could just tell by their clothing. What I was most excited about was that we were going to witness a game called Quidditch, where people played on brooms. How freaking awesome was this going to be.

Some of the foam was on my lips, but I guess I didn't notice until Ron looked over at me and said sarcastically. "Nice moustache." I laughed a little and just licked it off of my lips. We were sitting in the Minister's Box, which was a big deal apparently, since usually students didn't sit there. We were lucky that Mr. Weasley was able to get tickets, and Dumbledore was able to pull four more.

Finally as we reached the top box and found our seats. I looked down and we were extremely high up, I backed away from the fence. Messages advertising different Wizarding products were blinking in the sky. A small creature, green with huge ears was seated in front of us. It kind of looked like E.T. in my opinion. "Dobby?" Harry yelled at it. The thing turned around, it had huge eyes.

 "Did sir just call me Dobby?" the thing asked in a high-pitched voice. "I knows Dobby, sir. My name is Winky sir, and you sir...are Harry Potter! Dobby talks of you all the time." The two talked for a bit. I didn't know what they were talking about. All I heard were the words 'Dobby', 'Freedom', and 'Work'. What?

"What is that thing?" Lily whispered to Harry still horrified a bit at it.

 "A house elf," he said back. "They are basically slaves for pureblood families, but they enjoy work. It's rather odd, I set one free two years ago."

"Weird..." Lily said.

"Dobby was weirder," Harry said and then smiled.

Mr. Weasley introduced us to the Minister and then broke off into a conversation with him. Meeting the Minister was like meeting the President, it was pretty cool. Probably even cooler. Taking this all in was so much, the thought of school was almost too hard to imagine. Hermione explained that it was a castle and said as long as we followed the map, we wouldn't get lost. Everything had beaten the expectations I pictured. "Ah! Here's Lucius," Fudge said. Suddenly Arthur, his family, Harry, and Hermione seemed tense.  

 "Hello," Lucius greeted coolly, holding out his hand and shaking the ministers. "I'm not sure you know my wife Narcissa, or our son Draco?" All of them had pale skin and white-blonde hair. I looked over at the boy, he was quite attractive. That was my opinion of course. Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys all seemed to not be thrilled by his appearance. In fact, they were all glaring over at the boy. He mustn't be good news.

"How do you do?" Fudge said with a large smile on his face. "Lucius just made a large donation to St. Mungos, he is here as my guest!" He told everyone and the tall blonde man smiled pompously at us. "You know Arthur Weasley? Right?" It became even more tense than usual. I was wondering what was up. Fudge stopped listening and tried to speak to the Bulgarian Minister, though he seemed to be making up the language. The Malfoy man turned Mr. Weasley.

"Good lord," Lucius said coldly his voice lowering. "Top seat? What did you have to sell to get these? Surely your house wouldn't be worth this much." Now that was rude.

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