Chapter Thirty

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So I've taken a very big break from this story and I've been trying to get back into it. Please let me know if you're still reading x

Chapter Thirty: Christmas Eve

Lily's Point of View

I couldn't get it out of my head that Nikki and Bella got away with it. Those necklaces were cursed, the ones they showed to Dumbledore were fakes. Hermione and I even went back to try and convince him, but he felt we were simply being paranoid. For now I just had to let it go, because tomorrow night was the Yule Ball. Most of the younger years left yesterday on the Hogwarts Express to head home for Christmas break. Majority of the school was staying though to attend the dance. It was my first time being away from home on Christmas, it was a little sad, but my parents understood. 

Even though we didn't have classes for a week, I knew I would find Alaina in the library studying. She figured this would be a great time to try and catch up with her class. She was doing pretty well grade wise, but I think there was a reason for that...And that reason's name is Gavin Lennox. He was in my year but in Ravenclaw. He was extremely quiet, but apparently not when he was with Alaina. I walked over to where the two of them where sitting with their charms textbooks open. "Happy Christmas Eve," I greeted while walking over to the two. I was used to the whole 'Happy Christmas' from my dad saying it all the time, but it was weird not hearing 'Merry Christmas'. "Mind if I steal her away for a bit?" I asked Gavin. Alaina rolled her eyes at me.

"Happy Christmas Eve Lily," Gavin said nicely. "It's alright, we were just finishing up." He gathered his books together. "I'll see you later then, Alaina?" Alaina stood up and picked up her books as well.

"Yes see you then," she said. He kissed her on the cheek quickly before taking off.

"Awe, am I sensing a little romance coming out of this 'bet'?" I asked her with a smirk. She shook her head at me once more, but there was a smile there I haven't seen in a while. She told me about how Gavin asked her, but the two have been together a lot lately. They seem to be more than friends to me. "So anyway, Mom and Dad owled us this morning." We walked down the hall and I couldn't help but look out the window. The snow was falling and the view was beautiful. I took the letter out of my pocket and handed it to her.

Happy Christmas Eve Lily and Alaina,

We miss you two so much. It's not the same without you two here and home for Christmas. The Yule Ball is a very rare event and you'll have an amazing time. We also hope your dates behave themselves and act like gentlemen (-Dad). Since the house feels lonely with you both, we've decided to visit your mother's side of the family in Florida for Christmas. We haven't seen them in a while. We'll make sure to owl you again on Christmas day. Hope you have an amazing ball. We can't wait to hear all about it. Tell Nicolette and Bella Happy Christmas for us.


Mom and Dad

Alaina and I shared a look at that last part. We haven't told our parents about our fight with Nikki and Bella. It wasn't worth it, they would probably go asking a thousand questions. "We'll have to write back and send them the gifts we got from Hogsmeade," Alaina said and I nodded in agreement. 

We wrote our letters together and send the little gifts we got from Hogsmeade to them. Then I had to head back to the common room to meet up with Hermione. I was beginning to seriously stress over the Yule Ball. I had my dress and an idea for my hair, but didn't have a date. A cute boy from Durmstrang had asked me early in the week, but I lied and said I already had a date. I hated myself for that. I was extremely nice about it, but I didn't even have to think in order to lie. My mind was literally convinced that I was going with Harry even though he's been completely preocuppied with studying for the second task. "What are you going to do Lily?" Hermione said. "I know for a fact Harry doesn't have a date, but you need to sort of, you know remind him, without being obvious."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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