Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter 19: Beaubatons and Durmstrang

 Nicolette's Point of View

Life at Hogwarts was more than I could have asked for. It was everything I used to dream of. Divinations was a breeze once I figured out what Trelawney loved. I predicted a lot of death my first week. Whatever I said, she believed now. Although Lily was clearly her favorite. I swear, Lily did have some sort of psychic ability. There was no way anyone could be that good at guessing. Potions class wasn't too bad with Professor Snape, but it was damn Transfigurations, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts I was having trouble with. "Nikki..." I heard someone say while poking my shoulder. I blinked and then opened my eyes. Bella was standing there already dressed. It was Saturday so we didn't have to dress in our robes. "Beaubatons and Durmstrang will be arriving in about an hour." I totally forgot, today was when the other schools arrived.

"Thanks Bella," I said and started to look around for my stuff. I stood up and looked around for something to wear. It was chilly out in the mornings. I'd probably just put on jeans and my black long sleeve shirt I had bought from a shop Diagon Alley.

"No problem," Bella said. "Well I promised Britta I would go meet her down in the Great Hall, I'll see you there." I said goodbye and she left. I started to get ready and left my blonde hair down, too lazy being to do anything else. Pansy, Daphne, and Millicent walked into the dorm room already dressed. They glared at me but I ignored them. Outside this dorm room, they seemed to pretend that they liked me. In the was not a happy room.

I've never met anyone more annoying in my life than Pansy Parkinson. The girl had the highest pitched shriek she could put the mandrakes to shame. I noticed her starting to hate me the day I sat with Draco at the table, and it has been getting worse. The very first night, after thinking she was going to be a possible friend once we cleared the air, she threatened me. I still remember it.

As I was about to climb into my bed at the end of room I heard a cold voice. "Let me make this very clear," the voice said angrily. I turned to see Pansy approaching me with Millicent and Daphne behind her. "Draco is mine. Before you showed up he only talked to me. I swear if this becomes a regular'll wish you never came to Hogwarts." Was this girl for real? I stared at her in disbelief.

"A little obsessive, don't you think?" I replied darkly and then climbed into my bed. She scoffed and turned around heading over towards her bed. From there every time I was in my dorm they were their true selves, but outside those doors that acted as though all was okay.

It's been over a month since I've been at Hogwarts and it was almost Halloween, my favorite holiday. Plus, it was also my birthday. I have rarely seen my friends, but I've also made new ones. I think I've only seen glances of Alaina during meals and give her a small wave. Lily has been hanging around with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They invited me to hang out with them sometimes. I've tried to hang out with them, but every time I do we run into Draco who gets extremely mad that I speak with Potter and always reminds me of some last minute plan we had. I did spend one afternoon with Lily on her birthday. She turned fifteen and was officially older than me.

I see Bella the most, although she is mostly off with Britta. The only people I've been hanging around with are mostly Draco's friends. I spent most of my time with Draco who I love being around, but he's very bossy at times. He likes to decide what everyone's doing. Crabbe and Goyle are no fun to be around because they barely speak. They sort of remind me of bricks. Blaise is a good friend, some of the things he says though are weird though, and Adrian Pucey is another new friend who reminds me sort of Fred and George, although he is a little more vicious towards other people. Marcus Flint was annoying as hell. The guy can't take no as an answer. No matter how many times he asks me out, I always say no. Does he think I'll change my mind the next day? He finally stopped, but I feel that Draco has something to do with it. I walked down to the common room. "There you are. What took you so long?" I heard Draco say.

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