Chapter Five

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Delano's POV

"You dumb fuck, why wouldn't you call the police?' she questioned harshly.

"Because he's still my dad" I muttered breathing heavily due to my injured ribs.

"Whatever I would have killed him or at the least had him arrested," she told me.

"You don't have many friends do you," I asked.

"Fuck off," she said looking out the window.

"Hey I didn't mean it that way," I said.

"It doesn't really matter and yea I don't because friends are for pussy's," she responded clearly annoyed.

"Well I'm s-," I said before she cut me off.

"Save it we need to go check on your bitch ass dad," she said

"I-i can't go back i-" I stuttered

"We're not going back for him we going back for you and if he tries to hurt you do the freaky flashy shit you did before," she told me standing up.

(Time Skip at Delano house)

Ashe  POV

We arrive at his house and it's like every other shitty house I've seen.

I walk up the stairs and look at Delano panicking; it's goon be a long life unless he grows some balls.

"I have my doubts your really a boy," I tell him.

"I am" he whispers.

"Prove it," I say smugly.

He walks up to the stairs and grabs the spare key and unlocks the door before walking in and I shove him wanting to speed up.

A man is in the living room stops as soon as he sees us and immediately charges at Delano. Delano puts his left hand up and tells his dad to stop but nothing happens an I can him start to panic and I push him out the way taking the lead.

I punch him in the face before grabbing him by his shirt. "I know your son can be a little bitch but you not gonna lay a finger on him while I'm around," I tell him.

"I don't mind killing you but your gonna explain everything to him or I'll break your neck," I tell him.

"I don't know anything-" he starts before I break his hand.

"I'm not his biological father, his mom and me broke up for a short period of time and when we got back together she was pregnant and the man was nowhere to be found," he told us as I backed off him a little.

"After he was born strange things would happen and your mother told me your real father left a book about your heritage for you, but after she died I sold it to pay off the house," he said.

"To who?" I asked

"I don't know," he said.

I kicked him multiple times, "you remember now," I asked breathing heavy.

"Your gonna kill him" Delano muttered behind me.

"Not unless he cooperates," I told him.

"I sold it to Price Pawn shop on 15th street in the city," he said spitting out blood. "That's everything I know" he added.

"Thanks," I told him before knocking him out.

"What was that for?" Delano asked me.

"Cause I felt like it, is there a problem flashlight?" I asked glaring.

"No," he said walking toward the door.

"Didn't think so," I said grabbing an apple off the table before leaving.

(Time skip on the bus)

Delano POV

"I really don't like how you handled that" I blurt out breaking the silence as the bus hummed.

"If you would have done the thing we could have avoided this and still I don't regret anything his bitch ass deserved it," she harshly retorted.


"I know how to kick ass that's all that matters can't say the same for you," she said.

We stayed silent for the rest of the ride.

Ashe POV

We were almost there and Delano had fallen to sleep. I shouldn't have gotten mad at him he's figuring this shit out just as I am. Out of all the people why us? We have enough troubles in life on our own now we have these creepy ass abilities that normal humans would dream about, were freaks now... It was a fairly long ride considering we're on the other side of town now.

"Yo' get up..." I say waiting for him to awake now losing my patience.

"GET UP!" I say as I slap him. 

"OWWW WHY'D YOU SLAP ME!" he cried.

"We're here," I say as we get off the bus.

"Why are you so mean!?" he whined.

"Why are you so sensitive?" I rebut.

He doesn't respond after that and we continue on in silence. We get lost a few times but eventually find the street. The neighborhood looks like shit scrapped off the bottom of a shoe if I'm being honest.

We arrive at the pawn shop alike everything else its empty and abandoned so I drag flashlight around back and kick the door in. "This is breaking and entering," he tells me as I step in leaving him.

"Wait" he whispers loudly. "The whole area is abandoned if you can't tell" I state.

By the looks no ones been here in a while, I leave him to search the front while I take the back. I look through all the paper until I find one on all the books they had and put the paper in my pocket before hearing a very feminine scream.

"What happened?" I ask exhausted

"I saw a....rat" he mumbles

"Unbelievable" I state

His mom has been dead for 10 years and his dad sold the book 1 year later but looks like no ones lived here in 50 years. We might as leave nothing here worth taking. I shove him and head back to the door as he rubs his shoulder.

We exit and there are five hooded figures waiting like they were following us.

"Give us the book," one says and I grab Delano' s hand and we take off past them.

Running into the dark of the night......

*A/N What's gonna happen next?




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