Chapter Three

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In The Library (Detention)

Third POV

"Coach James, do we really have to scan and sort these books?" Delano asked.

"Hey, I'm just doing my job. Your decisions have consequences." Coach James said as he continued to watch football on his phone and eat donuts.

"You got somewhere to be princess?" Coach added teasing Delano.

"No" Delano quietly said picking up a book that looked ancient.

"Stop complaining, what are you in here for anyways?" Tyrone said chuckling and watching the teacher.

"Why do you want to know?" Ashe said.

"Because knowledge is power." Tyrone said as he laughed and snapped his fingers, throwing a dusty book at Delano.

Delano sneezed as he rubbed his aching stomach.

"You good?" Ashe asked.

"Yea?" Delano said unsure.

A few hours later still up to their necks in books, Ashe kicked a pile of books over.

"Hey, you're the girl from the other day" Delano whispered as he walked over to Ashe.

"Who's asking" Ashe stated.

"I'm Delano" he introduced himself.

"Should I care" Ashe bluntly said.

" not really" Delano lowly said.

Ashe pulled Delano outside the library and said, "Don't come near me again, or you'll feel more pain than humanly possible" she whispered to him glaring.

"I find that hard to believe" Delano muttered.

"You're a freak" Ashe told him before leaving.

"I know" Delano said to no one particular.

They didn't realize how much they needed the other, but its hard avoiding destiny.

With his energy drained Delano bailed on the rest of detention and headed home hoping to beat his father there. Once their he gets started on his chores and cooking dinner then heads up to his room to do his homework.

Sometime later the front door slams and his father calls him down, he starts yelling and throwing things and shattering the beer bottle in his hand and calling Delano a 'mistake and good for nothing'.

He then charges at Delano beating him to the ground before stumbling into the kitchen grabbing a knife and returning to stand over Delano pulling his head up and placing the knife against his neck.

"I should of killed you after what happened to your mother" his father stated.

"Stop, dad please" Delano weakly stated bleeding from his lip.

"I ain't your dad, and that's why you have too die" he said slicing Delano neck throwing his head down as he started to choke on hi sown blood.

A bright light started to shine and covered the entire room making it impossible to see anything and as everything became visible again, Delano stood in the middle of the room with glowing white eyes  causing his father to stand in shock.

Delano raises his hand and crumbles to the ground as his eyes go back to normal and he falls to his knees. 

He rushes over to his father and is thankful to find a pulse. He then checks his neck and the wound is healed, confused and scared Delano rushes upstairs and packs a bag before leaving his 'home' and never looking back.

"W-where will I go now I'm alone now no food no shelter..." Delano panicked as he wheezed.

"FUCK!" he yelled then started running 

Out of the darkness and into the light......

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