Chapter Four

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Ashe POV

It was around 11 in the morning and I was leaving 'home' and I started floating in the middle of air and I didn't notice it until I leaned over to tie my shoes.

I panicked and ended up destroying most of the car I stayed in, I lifted myself off the ground and decided it was time to find a new car in the junkyard to live in.

I grabbed my back pack and my duffel and walked down the rows of abandoned cars and other useless things, just like how most people saw me useless and unworthy.

I ended up picking a Toyota in decent condition, I stored my duffel in the trunk and decided to clean the car later.

Exiting the junkyard the street was empty so I set out to buy something to eat.


It was around 1 in the afternoon and I was sleeping in the back of the library.

"Can I sit here" a boy asked, he looked to be about 10.

"Sure I'd like a snack after the little girl I just finished" I smiled flashing my red teeth, from juice I drunk not to long ago and the boy ran away to his mom crying.

I closed my eyes and tried to get some type of rest. I felt a presence and opened my eyes to find that weird guy from school staring.

As soon as I looked at him he rushed away, good better to fear me I thought.

I felt something that I haven't felt in a long time....pain.

I immediately stood up looking around and couldn't find anything wrong, I sat back down and as soon as I did my body shot up instinctively and moved.

My brains subconscious led me a few blocks from the library to an ally where five guys where beating up the guy I just saw.

How in less than three minutes did he manage to get beat up, he's even more of a wimp then I thought.

I started to turn around but nearly collapsed due to the pain in my ribs, I heard a crunch and turned to see him clutching his stomach.

Where we connected some way, he infuriates me and I don't even know him.

I charged at the group and started hitting anything that moved, I threw one guy so hard he might actually be dead.

The rest of the guys picked their friend up and left, but not without giving us a warning.

"I'll only get worse from here" the tallest one told us.

I waited analyzing the guy who was still laid out on the floor, before helping him to a sitting position aggressively.

"Could you be any tougher" he spat.

"You should be thanking me, you poor excuse of a man" I spat back.

"I didn't ask for your help nor do I need it" he told me bitterly getting up wincing.

"Well fine, this is why I don't help people" I told him walking away.

I've never had the best luck, so it decided to storm. Perfect just perfect I thought, as I turned and screamed at the sky in frustration.

The junkyard was too far and you couldn't go in many places around here without paying. Why was the universe against me? I thought sitting on the ground as it continued to pour.

"Self centered much" the guy said looking down at me, so I stood because I'll be damned if anyone looks down at me again.

"Fuck off" I bluntly told him.

"Fine, I'll be in the library waiting it out" he told me as he took a step and nearly fell.

"Clearly we need each other, so I help you and you help me and we're even" I told him wanting to resolve the situation.

"Deal" I asked.

"Deal, I'm Delano seeing as how you clearly don't remember" Delano told me after we started walking.

In reality it was me dragging him to move faster and he took the pain well actually.

"Ashe" I muttered as we reached the library once again entering and heading to a secluded area.

Once we were settled I asked why he didn't go home and he started to tell her the story.

This was the start of a new beginning for everyone, but no one knew it yet.

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