"I seem to recall blue wedges, a yellow belt... And some layered bracelets." He observes.

What kind of a psychopath would remember that? I mean, I would because I was the one wearing it. But he was not. On the contrary he saw me for about fifteen minutes that day. And another thing, why is he still in my closet? Also creepy. You know where else he shouldn't be? In my room. Or in my house. Or in my town. He should be in London, with his band and living his amazing center-of-attention life. And leave me alone.

I walk back to my closet door to tell him these things and practically run into him in the process. Turns out he was just walking out. We stand there for a moment, too close for comfort, just looking at each other before snapping back to reality. We both take steps back quickly, and remember what we were doing seconds before.

He seems to read my mind about his memory of my outfit. "I'm observant." He shrugs, practically glowing. He's up to something, I know it.

"Well that's great. Now you can go be observant back at your flat." I say, and open the door and usher for him to leave.

He doesn't seem to care what I just said. "Are you doing anything right now?"

"Uh, telling you to go home..." I roll my eyes. I have a bad feeling about this.

"No I mean, do you have plans?"

"Yes. I'm vey busy." I say, even though I know I'm not.

"How about now?" I realise now what that jerk was doing in my closet. He somehow managed to find the wedges I had worn that day and pulls them from behind his back. Next he pulls a Swiss Army Knife from his pocket.

"What the Hell is wrong with you?" I ask, scared out of my mind.

"These are your favorites, right?" He looks very proud of himself.

"...No." I say slowly, obviously lying. He grins. "How did you know?"

"Well it was your last day at Hall Cross and you hated the place, so I figured you would have celebrated." He's very smug, as he solved some big mystery.

"...You have serious problems. And I don't think I'm comfortable with you having a knife." I say, not sarcastic for once.

"Come on Birdy. I know you aren't busy. Now come with me, or the shoes get it." He looks like he has every intention to go through with this. What is this? Blackmail? Yeah, that's it. I don't like blackmail. Mad, I know.

"Why would I do that? Look, I'm really just not in the mood Tomlinson." I sigh, and gesture to the door. "Please just go."

"Abigail, c'mon!" He says in a joking tone looking ready to start destroying a shoe. He has the blade beneath the fabric.

"Do not call me Abigail!" I snap.

He starts laughing violently hard, as if I just said the funniest thing in the whole world. Maybe my being furious is somehow entertaining to him. The violence in the laughing starts to get worse the more I protest.

"Abigail sounds like one of the twats back at school! Oh little Abigail loves doing her nails and ballet! Oh little Abigail does so well in school! Oh little Abigail is the perfect girl!" I coo sarcastically. "I'm not little Abigail."

Finally, Louis falls backward on the bed, as he can't stop his cackling. But as he does so, his knife slices the strap of my favorite shoes of all time. I gasp, as does he when the blade scrapes his hand when it finishes slicing my shoe.

"YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT!" I scream, and run to get the shoe, which he has dropped, along with the knife, which now has blood on it.

"I did not just do that." He groans, and looks at his hand, which has a huge gash in it. "Ouch."

I sit there, cradling the shoe in my arms, dying on the inside, when I hear a subtle sniffle. I look to see the big arrogant pop star with watery eyes, looking at his hurt hand. My conscience kicks in.

"Wait here." I say pretty bitterly. I turn and walk to my bathroom, and grab the first aid kit and a towel, which I get wet. I walk back to Louis who hasn't moved an inch.

"I'm fine." He says, trying to be cool still. He tries to hide the cut from view.

"Oh shut up." I say, and grab his hand. He winces. "Sorry." I mumble, and put the washcloth around his hand fairly tightly. I instruct him to hold it there while I get the rest of the supplies out and he obeys silently.

I clean up his cut, which is pretty large; not hospital large, but large nonetheless. I give him pieces of advice as I do so, and he obeys, silently as before. Finally, as I'm almost finished wrapping it up, he says something.

"Thanks." He mumbles, his pride hurt.

I look up at him from where I'm seated on the ground, and meet his eyes. "You're welcome." I say quietly, then go back to wrapping it up.

Seeing him so... Vulnerable is weird for me. It makes me think of all the bitterness I felt towards him. It isn't really his fault he gets so much attention. ...Yet it is his fault that he's so arrogant. Yet I still am bothered by the pal reference. Why? And where does he want me to go? He didn't mean to cut the shoes. He must really want me to go with him. I guess I was kind of rude.

I walk back to put my kit away, then put some shoes on. I stand in the doorway, and look at Louis. He hasn't moved an inch, and sits on my bed hunched over, looking at his hand. Not for long.

I catch his attention. "So where to?"


Oh my gosh, it's been so long! I'm so sorry, I just have been super busy. School is crazy, you know? Anyways, I really hope you like this chapter! And if you do, comment and or vote! I just love all the feedback I've been getting, so keep it up! Thank you!(: xx


Oh one more thing! I said I would put a picture of Birdy on here a while ago, but I forgot. I'm sorry! Haha, but I remembered now, so there's a picture for you! :D

Sorry, one more thing! I would like to change the title/cover of this story as I'm not really in love with either. So if you have any suggestions for a title, please comment or message me! If you come up with the one I use, I'll dedicate a chapter to you or make you a part in the story or something maybe!(:

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 30, 2012 ⏰

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What I Found Onstage (A Louis Tomlinson Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz