Chapter 23 | And He Fights

Start from the beginning

"A-are you oh-okay? Did he hurt you very badly?" My voice is very shakey.

"I'll live." I saw her sweet smile and she kissed the top of my head. She soothed me and played with my hair. I just stayed leaning against her for a while.

The nurse eventually came over to us and brought us to the clinic. Luckily, she was still here because she doesn't leave till an hour after school.

"Okay young man. What is your name? And I'm going to need to call your parents," the nurse spoke.

"Ah, my name is Jeremiah." I winced in pain at the pounding in my head. I saw Adi's mom walk over to us and she gave me and Adi a hug. Her mom said something that I couldn't hear to Adi and wraps her arm around her. The nurse grabbed my arm and helped me up.

Adi turned around one last time and looked at me with sorry eyes. I just smiled at her over my pain. I walked away with the nurse and she fixed me up. My mom arrived soon after that.

"Okay, Mrs.Boyst. The good news is that your son doesn't need stitches but the bad news is that he does have a mild concussion, which means, he won't be able to do indoor track for two weeks. He also has some minor bruising on his stomach and face." My mom nods. "Now, I need to take care of Braxton, the administration would like to talk to the two of you." I cringed at the name Braxton.

My mom walked with me to one of the administrators' office. She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Seriously, mom?" I said.

Once we arrived at the office we were instructed to sit down. I took out my phone and texted Adi and Sam. I told Sam what happened and of course, she freaked out. I just asked Adi if she was okay, again. She continued to reassure she was okay.

"Jeremiah, I don't want you on your phone with a concussion. It isn't good for you," my mom said with a worried face and eyes. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders. She used this to her advantage and took my phone.

"Mom! I'm texting the group chat with Ada and Samantha. Samantha is really worried about whether I'm okay or not," I spoke out.

"I can text her for you, but after that, your phone is off limits unless you are making a phone ca-actually, you can use the landline. And you aren't in trouble for what you did. But, with a concussion, you can't have screen time," she responded. I just rolled my eyes. My mom texted them that I was alright in the group chat we have and then she powered off my phone.

We talked to the principal about disciplinary actions and I was given a two day suspension and Braxton was given a two week suspension because of all that he did. When I walked out of the office, Braxton was walking in.

I was relieved to hear I only had a two day suspension because suspensions look bad on college applications. The suspension wouldn't matter because I can't go to school with a concussion for two weeks anyway. We left and drove away.

I walked inside and went to my room to lay down. When I entered, Samantha was sitting on the spiny chair. My eyes grew wide in surprise. "What are you doing here!?" I asked.

"I got your text. Well, your moms' text. I could tell it was her because you wouldn't write 'I need to inform you that I wont be on my cell phone because I have a concussion'" Sami said in a weird voice to try to imitate my mom. We both laughed.

"Is that what my mom sounds like to you?" I asked.

"Yep!" She giggled. She stood up and walked up to me. "I'm just glad you are safe." She got on her tippy toes and kissed me. I put my hand on her shoulder as we kissed. We stopped kissing when we heard footsteps.

"Hide in the closet!" My mom didn't know that Sami was here. Samantha hurried into the closet and I hurried to my bed to lay down under the blankets. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in."

My mom came in and started speaking. "Are you doing alright? Adelaide is coming over soon, I just got a call from her. She wanted to check in on you." I smiled and nodded to make sure I didn't give anything away. She closed the door and I heard her footsteps become fainter.

Samantha exits the closet and gets something out of a bag, it is a book. We both sit down on the bed. "I made something for Ada, you, and me." She opened it up and gave it to me to look at. The first page was of all three of us from the first day of 6th grade. She made a scrapbook of the three of us. I continued to look through it and it was purely about the three of us. Nothing about romance. Just pure friendship.

"I love this. This is so good Sami. I kiss her temple." I give the book back to her but she slides it back over to me.

"This is yours, I made one for Ada too." She smiles. "Well I got to leave now. My mom wanted me to be back around 3:30. I love you."

"Okay, love ya too. Bye babe." I kissed her one more time before she went out my window. Soon after she left, Adi came into my room. I studied her face and saw that she was all bruised up. My eyes welled up with water as I saw her so hurt and broken down.

Her eyes were puffy and red, like she had been crying. She smiled at me and the depressing  atmosphere in the whole room was lifted. I started to stand up but she motioned me to stop. Adi walked over to me and sat down next to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arm tightly around her lower back and waist.

We both squeezed together tightly and just stayed like that in silence. I rested my chin on her shoulder. I felt a tear drip down my face and onto my chin, and then onto her shirt. I continued to cry silently. Adi pulled away from the hug and wiped a tear from my cheek.

"It's gonna all be okay in the end," she said quietly. She continued to rest her hand on my face.

"Heh, once again, Adi saves the day with her cheerfulness and love," my voice said shakily and daintily. Adi giggled.

"I just can't. I can't bear seeing you so hurt. You, you're my best friend. Always have been."

"I know, I know. I hate seeing you fight." I looked into her bright green eyes, seeing all the hurting swirling in her orbs. Fresh tears bubbled in my eyes.

"Don't make me start to get all emotional. I am quite the ugly crier," she responded. We both started laughing.

"Why don't you just break up with him?" I said, out of the blue. I didn't think of what I said until after it was out in the world for her to hear.

"I-well. I-I I can't." The energy in the room became nervous feeling. That statement alone started fo build up anger in me. One move would make me crack.

"Why can't you?" I said with more force then I meant to have. I stood up with my pounding head and kicked the trash can that was in my room. I faced away from her, scratching the back of my head.

"I can't tell you. I just can't." I glanced back and she looked away with a guilty face.

"Please!" I turned around and started yelling. She flinched. I recollected myself.

"Please just tell me what is going on. I need to know." My voice went stern and I grabbed onto her arm delicately. She patted her hand next to her on the bed for me to sit down. I sat down and she rested her head on my shoulder and grabbed my arm.

"I'm so sorry from keeping this from you."

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