17. Stay

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Cool blue eyes searched reassurance from the warm brown.  Pretending to whisper to Riley's ear, she nuzzled the brunette's soft cheek and kissed the tip of  her ear.  Earning a blush from Riles and a victorious smirk from Maya.

Katy watched them afar with a knowing smile, while Shawn wrapped his arm around her.

"Do you think they finally got it figured out?"

"Love, they knew all along." 

"C'mon Katy cakes lets show our support and kick them out onto the streets."

Appreciating the view a little longer, Shawn took his wife's hands and led them to their daughter. 

"Hey kids, vacate the building. Us adults got this place booked till  Sunday!"

Jokingly grumbling they picked themselves off the table and lazily exited. 

"Your jackets are all at the lobby, its cold outside. Love you" Katy held Maya a little longer, "Maya..." Letting her sentence die out, not knowing how to say that everything will be okay. She could sense a bit of gray cloud hung over her daughter's head. She was her mother after all.

She had to watched her little bean grow up with another family, Katie had to make ends meet.  She use to cry before heading to shifts, hoping that Maya wouldn't come home to a dark house with no electricity or water. Be embarrassed for being a failure of a mother. Not knowing how to take care of herself and her daughter.

Her worries had been put to rest, when little Maya came home with a skip in her step. When she heard singing through her daughter's door. And when she finally met Riley in-person. Fierceness and determination were sparked in her brown eyes going straight into a shady diner without a slight hesitation. A middle school kid commuting all the way down town because Katy didn't want to be a reminder to Maya of their reality.  

This girl. This girl is going to mean something big to Maya. 

"You alright mom?" Maya asked perplexed to why her mom held her so long. 

"Be safe kiddo, okay? I love you" Katy gave Maya a smile before letting her go. 

Maya strayed away then came back, "Hey Mom, thanks for staying."


Riley stood at the curb waving off their group waiting for Maya to join her. Feeling a tap on her shoulder she exuberantly turned around thinking it was Maya. 

"Expecting someone with blonde hair?" Charlie chuckled.

"Shut it, Charlie" Riley laughed at being caught, pinching his arm. "Thanks for genuinely being a great guy throughout." 

Bumping his shoulder, they both looked out at the darkened sky lighted by the fluorescent street lights.  

"You know we would've been great together."  He said knowing full well that the window of opportunity was missed.  Riley bumped him again. 

"What was I missing Riley? Why can't people fall in love with me?" 

"You're not missing anything, you're just searching for validation from other people. Dude just love yourself first. You dork." Riley smiled at him, "I had to learn it the hard way."

"See that, that smile of yours. The way you go out of your way to help people is some of the reasons why I liked you. What qualities did you want in a guy, Riley?"

"Unfortunately, Charlie they don't make me in guy edition." Maya spoke up intertwining her hand with Riley's. Charlie laughed out, "Dunno Maya, Riley and I have gotten close while you were gone" 

He jumped away laughing before Maya could react. Maya just looked calmly at  his retreating back.

"What? Expecting me to rage on him, I've matured Riles. Plus, which one are you going home with?" The blonde gleefully smiled her eyes twinkling.  

"Are you assuming its you, Ms. Maya Hart? I could be taking you to Farkle's when he gets back from dropping Lucas and his gang." said Riley walking slightly ahead of Maya.

"Are you campaigning for pain in the ass of the year?" Maya called out.

"As reigning champion, you nervous? Catch up, Peaches lets go home." quipped Riley letting Maya catch up. 

They laid in bed, in between sleep and wake.  Maya rolled to her side.

Pale milky moon rays spilled into the darkened room. Every particle made Riley's tan skin glow,  Maya's hands itched to feel the suppleness under her finger tips. 

Riley watched Maya's candid expressions through the mirror. Curious to what the next move would be. A game of chess of which piece would be eaten first. Mesmerized Maya bit her bottom lip as she noticed a tip of art peeking under Riley's shirt. Her thumb glazed the brunette's neck sending unknown shivers down Riley's spine. 

Just a ghost of a touch. Just enough to cause a crave. 

If you can be patient, then you can be brave

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