12. Elves and Parodies

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Riley backed away, then uncoordinately booped Maya's nose. "Okay, thats enough of that. C'mon off to bed."

"Hey Peaches, since this is a dream. Can I ask a few questions?"

"Whatever you want, princess" Maya replied, leading the sleepy brunette to the room.

"Can I keep you? I've always wanted an elf Maya to put in my shirt pocket."  Riley murmured resting her head on the pillow.

"Okay first off A. I'm not that short for you to imagine me as an elf and B. You always have me, "

"No, you dont get it. I'll make sure to feed you everyday." Maya chuckled at the sleepy Riles' frustration.

"What do I not get?" The blonde waited for a reponse checking on the brunette. Riley's eyebrow had creased as if in deep thought in her dream.

"Real Maya doesn't belong to anybody. If she decides to be by Lucas's side till bleh, atleast...atleast I can keep a small elf Maya near my heart." Soft, sleepy Riles whispered and went out with a snore. Maya smiled sadly at the brunette.

The truth was...Maya had always known. Since they were young, Riley had told the blonde that she was the only one good enough for her. Maya was her own person, she had pride in being independent as a kid.

Yet when it came to Riley, there would be no question whose side she would be on. She had and will always choose Riley.

If Riley had never shown up in her life...this Maya wouldn't have existed.

This Maya with Riley - has a family. A real family

This Maya with Riley - knew she could create things because she can.

This Maya with Riley - had someone love her to point that she learned how to believe in herself.

This Maya with Riley - were two completely opposite people, but made it work.

The other Maya before they met, would still be going in and out of other peoples rooms looking for substitute love.

   A star, an artist in the spotlight, but all alone stripped from the limelight - she was still that runt who was afraid to recieve love that could destroy her.

It intensified the same nights she thought Shawn would do the same as Kermit because they were too broken, too dysfunctional to love.

That self-destructive side of Maya was afraid to wake up to an empty bedside, knowing it was her fault Riley would leave.

Maya started to feel claustrophobic in her thoughts. Kissing Riley's forehead, she left out the door and walked into Auggie tiptoeing back into the apartment -

"Where - " they both started. Maya eyed Auggie's hoodie and pajama pants, while grabbing a cup of water.

"Isn't it a bit late to visit Ava?"

"Isn't it a bit late to run out on my sister"

"Touche" Maya broke their staring contest, she had to hand it to Auggie Matthews - he had Topanga's bite. Sitting across eachother, Auggie was observing Maya. "Ugh spit it out, Augs"

"If you could go through time and do it all over again, who would you want by your side?" He got up and left.

Playing with both rings on her finger, she listened to Riley softly snore right next to her.

The next morning - felt like Maya's head barely hit the pillow. The Matthew's household was abuzz.

"Whuz going o-on?" Riley muffled a yawn, asking the question that Maya had on mind.

"Shawn and Katy's flight will be arriving earlier than expected" Corey squealed frantically looking for the list of guests, while Topanga commandered the plans and contacted the venue.

"We're a bit late to pick them up, you girls head to the venue." Topanga called out on their way out. Texting their friends, they had already recieved replies that Topanga had sent out a group message to their parents and were very well on their way to meet up at the station.

Walking briskly, Riley asked, "Peaches aren't you worried someone might spot you?"

"Eh, this area is safe. No body cares" Inhaling and breathing out with an impish glint. "I miss this"

"Hey pretty bird, whose your daddy?" A random drunk woman catcalled.

"My biological dad is Kermit, he was an asshole. Very much how you're coming off as. "

"What a bitch"

"See, Riles." Maya laughed. On the escalator going down, they noticed Lucas busy with his group of friends.

Turning slightly to Riley, "Doesn't Lucas's friends look like a Texas parody of us?"

"MAYA! Well actually now that you said it - he even has a Texan Maya." Riley whispered back. Both were looking at their groups counter parts as the grimy old escalator creaked on by.

"That's his best friend Amber, she was in camp when we visited Texas. Haven't met her in person, but Lucas's mom goes on and on about her."

"Jealous?" Riley waited for the pang in her chest.

"Nah, maybe a bit? But we're the bestest friends in the whole universe...beating Corey and Shawn"

"Wait if she's Texas Maya, then I'm Lucas?" Riley said with exasperation.

"Oh Honey, you both have that Hulk side too when you go to Rileytown. Which by the way is one of my faves," Maya chuckled. "It's kinda sexy to see you break out of your adorable prim and proper self."

Before Riley could recover from her near heart attack, they had reached the platform. Lucas had strolled over and held Maya tightly...as if they didn't see eachother yesterday. Riley was about to look away when she noticed Amber (a.k.a in her mind the Tall Texas Maya) mirror her discomfort. She instantly linked on their connection, without bothering to wait for Lucas to introduce them.

Maya watched from Lucas's shoulder, prepared to hold Riley in case of another friendship rejection. Surprised that they ended up quite swimmingly.

Boarding the train, leaning on Lucas - she spied on the girls. Making sure that this Amber would not hurt/use Riley in anyway.

"Jealous?" Lucas's chest rumbled near her ear.

"What?" Still watching for any sign of plasticity.

"Amber is my best friend,  honest to good."

"Oh," A bit relieved, but still suspicious.


So I had this really long chapter that included Maya's parents party, but decided to cut it in half. So it can focus on all the small interactions instead of one huge roller coaster without any breathers.

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