4. Paint her gold / The unconscious reunion

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Song: You're somebody else by Flora Cash 

a.n. ~thank you wendysguardiansofgf for being the first to give this story a shot, I wasn't sure if people would enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing this story.  this chapter is dedicated to you. thank you again


      Magazines had boasted the blonde as a "confident, multi-talented rising force to be reckoned with."  Maya had created a stage presence that was everything she wanted to be, what Riley saw in her. In the journey up she had amassed fans who had rooted, supported and loved her.

From living in a rundown shady district of screaming parents with no love between them, having an ingrained belief that she couldnt have the luxury of hoping or else it would hurt more and not having what other kids had taken for granted -  she worked harder to prove herself.

It was repayment to her past self, to her mom that dreamt of being an actress, but worked multiple jobs for a daughter that she loved more than her life and to Riles. Her Riles...that gave her a home, her world.

   As the wheel of fortune spins - they wanted more out of Maya: her time, her privacy, her soul- sniffing for any piece of her that they could devour.  The media's hound dogs had discovered (a then awkward budding affair) with Lucas and touted them to the masses as the golden couple, Lucaya. Maya had tried to tone it all down via interviews, video or anyone who would ask - hoping it wouldn't be misunderstood by the only person she never meant to ignore. 

    In the events that had transpired Maya stumbled upon hackers, paparazzi, users and plastics trying to pry details of her life. To be professional, to survive - Maya had to adapt to another persona.The blonde's sarcastic sharp tongue and rebellious side; had been refitted to a softened, "more marketable" image. Erasing the undesirable parts of herself to cope in this demanding world of imagery.

     It started a fear in her of not being capable to protect her loved ones from all the backlash, hate and paranoia. Maya had especially taken extreme lengths to make sure that Riley would not be exposed to this circus of a lifestyle.

    Shuttled to numberless hotel rooms in different states and countries blurred into one. In a bathroom staring through a mirror, she couldn't recognize the girl gazing back at her. Suddenly the walls were caving in and she needed to know who was underneath the skin. The urge to break the glass grew strong enough to tear skin. A chime broke through her thoughts. It came from her old cellphone, the last line that lead her back to Riley. It calmed her by reading and rereading the message. 

     She had traveled the world, people at her feet and masses idolized her...but the only thing that made her feel less lonely and more real was Riley. Lucas had of course helped, but she missed them all - their family.

  Maya needed to plan her break, she needed to make things right. Waking up disorientated of her surroundings, the smell of freshly clean laundry and coconut shampoo reminded the blonde where she was.  The room was a fusion of changes and artifacts of the past. Checking the time, Maya noticed a pill bottle for anxiety on the nightstand.

       Confused to where Riley might be and if she needed her meds. Maya locked the bay window and made her way through the front door.

    Noticing a crumpled figure on the ground, Maya's eyes widened in recognition and hurled herself toward the body. An hour or so before, Riley had succumbed to exhaustion. Sliding against the hallway wall that lead to her home, the brunette had curled up into a ball and simply fell asleep. 

Stooping low to shoulder the brunette, Maya gritted her teeth at the height difference and added dead weight.  "Come on Riley, just like we practiced when we were younger."

  Dropping Riley on the bed, Maya had briefly left the room to get a moist towel to wipe her sweat. The colors that painted the room from black to blue told the time that went unnoticed by Maya.

Whether its 5 am sunrise or 5 pm sunset, like clockwork the sun painted Riley in gold. Automatically Maya's hand brushed the glowing skin. Tracing over Riley's sleeping heart shaped face, in awe. A piece, fell silently into place. Her Riles was real and she was here. In nearly all her paintings and drawings, Maya had manage to sneak in a purple cat. Her songs crafted to hide her traces of her heart. That Riley was never too far from her thoughts.  

In truth Maya had written a dozen or more messages that never sent. Silently begging Riley - to please stop reaching for her because she wouldn't be able to learn how to stop loving Riley if she started back again. Maya had loved two people in the same time, but one she knew was her extraordinary relationship she had let it die down. All the evidence left in her drafts, mocking her. 

Maya got up after hearing a snore rise up from Riley. Leaving the room, the Matthews froze in mid commotion. Sleep was wiped from the eyes of a newly returned and taller Auggie, Topanga's fried egg skidded down to Corey's plate. Corey Matthews still in his pajamas, mouth agape. Maya uncharacteristically felt abashed.

"Well,  eat breakfast." Topanga broke the ice, all commotion that had ceased started back up again.

"Welcome back home," Auggie smiled. Maya felt a warm blanket of family come over her, she was back. A different chime on her work phone signified a message from Lucas.

"Gotta take a rain-check, actually forgot that I have breakfast plans with the Friars"  Maya was hugged by Topanga. "Can you not tell Riley that I was here? I want to meet her, on her own terms"

They all nodded in agreement, Corey still frozen. When she left, Topanga and Corey fished out 20 dollars each to Auggie.

"Well, I sense a storm of a lesson about to happen. Lets call Shawn and his wife -" Corey finally spoke up, excited. Topanga stopped him with an eyeroll, she knew more about the tangled mess holding her crying daughter in her times of need.

"Everything is going to be okay, Mom" Auggie stated confidently, standing up and hugging both his parents. When Maya left, she didn't just leave Riley or her friends...she left a family that took her in as another daughter that came through a window.

Farkle drove to the Friar house with the intent of getting info on how to contact Lucas. He  would've made his way earlier after dropping off Riley, but his security system pinged him of a breach.

As he pulled up to their driveway, he noticed Lucas's truck parked at the side. Perplexed he was about to knock when he saw Maya talking with Lucas's mom. It had all made sense...

"Hey are you goi..Farkle?"

If you asked Farkle what had occurred, he wouldn't be able to recall. Tackling Lucas to the ground, another unconscious reunion occurred.

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