"How was... where'd you go again?" I ask.

"One of my clients in New York, I'll spare the name dropping, had an emergency so I just went down to solve it right up!" Grandpa says, picking up a piece of toast. His eyes narrow and he waves his toast at me, "aren't you supposed to be in school. Are you skipping? Oh I'm so proud."

"Needed a day off to figure out what I'm going to so for Jason's birthday! The big two-oh!" I exclaim.

"Well, you know I could-" Grandpas starts but I stop him.

"Grandpa, you and I both know Jason would hate a big, extravagant party," I say.

"But he could showcase his talents and-" Grandpa continues.

"No," I firmly deny. Grandpa sighs.

"Fiiinnnnneeee,"he pouts, slowly dragging out the word, "spoiled talented grandkids with all my talent but do they want to take the easy way they deserve? No, they want to work for it. Prove themselves..."

Grandpa walks away muttering about his tired bones or something. Will and Carter come back and we feast on Lucy's favorite breakfast. Will, Carter and I don't need to talk about it, we all know today will be for Lucy and for whatever she wants or needs.

We end up spending most of the day with Emily. She is so adorable and before we realize it, the three of us are hooked onto this little girl and her every desire. Currently, we're sitting in Emily's new room and Lucy is braiding small flowers into her hair. Will, Carter and I are lounging around. I still haven't heard from Cole so I think he's still toiling away in the studio.

"You know, we can't skip school everyday," Will states, "I'm going to ask Helena to take care of Emily during the day while we're at school and I'm going to get Damon to take care of the boys. I know this might be disorienting for you, babe, but you don't have to take care of the kids 24/7. Now you get to be one."

I glance at Lucy and see her eyes shimmering. I walk over and take care of Emily's hair and Lu walks over and flings her arms around Will.

"Come on, let's go get your brothers," they scurry out of the room after throwing a 'we'll be back soon' over their shoulders.

Carter walks over and sits next to me. Emily has a doll in her hands and is happily playing with it as I style her hair.

"Are you ready to go to school tomorrow? With guards?" Carter asks.

My face pales as I realize I have to have guards at school, "really?"

"Of course, Ara," Carter answers.

"Nobody is going to abduct me at school, Carter," I protest.

"We can't take that risk," he states. I scoff in reply and he continues, "Ara, we can't afford to take any chances with you. Besides if you're worried what other people will think, we can just say it's protection from all your new crazy obsessive fans."

"When have I ever cared what- wait what fans?" I stop my braiding process and look up at Carter.

"Have you not been online in like a week?" he asks.

"Um, no," I think back in my thoughts.

"You're always tinkering away on your phone, how is that possible?" Carter asks.

"I was playing Candy Crush," I defend myself.

"Here I'll take over the braid, you probably want to check it out," Carter comes towards me.

"Nah, I'm good," I deny.

"Check it out anyways," he presses. I sigh and step away from Emily and pull out my phone. I open twitter, I turned off notifications to all my social networking sites a long time ago, too many updates. Just as I open the app it crashes. I frown and open if again. It crashes again. I groan and turn my phone off and on.

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