
Unfortunately, Jungwoo's next class didn't have Kun or Doyoung so they had to end the chat early. Donghyuck and Lucas were in his class though, so they also went early to change into their gym clothes. Jungwoo didn't bother changing, he could barely walk that day anyway, so he made his way to the gym. Only a couple students were there, along with a teacher from a different class who was heading to their office in the side of the gym. Jungwoo glanced around. A stack of mats were piled in the corner and they were the perfect height so Jungwoo stumbled over and sat down. He laid his bag next to him then pulled out his drink bottle, his fingers screwing off the lid so he could take a long sip.


Mark saw the tall male coming over, so he pulled his arm off of the females shoulder and stood up. "Playtimes over, Taeyong." He hummed.

The male came over, immediately yelling and causing his girlfriend to jump off of Taeyong's lap. The latter just chuckled and looked smug, shrugging off the guys yelling before walking off with Mark. Taeyong didn't care and neither did Mark, so the two just walked to their lockers. All Taeyong pulled out was a hoodie to keep warm while Mark got out his gym clothes.

"Any chance you can get me out of gym class?" The younger asked.

"Sorry, sold all the slips to that Myungjun guy." Taeyong shrugged. "Either he has a lot of friends or really hates sport."

"Both are reasonable." Mark sighed. "Anyway, imma just go now, I can't be bothered waiting." He said, closing his locker and double checking it was locked. Taeyong just nodded and gave Mark a weak wave before they parted ways.

Mark headed for the changing rooms, but something in him just didn't feel right. It felt as if his heart was both heavy and light while his mind was crowded. He couldn't concentrate. Without even realising, Mark had entered the changing rooms. All the males in the room were either showering, their backs turned, or at their gyms lockers and getting changed. The young male sighed as he made his way to his own locker, his clothes still in his hand. He entered his code, opening it then placing his clothes on the shelf. Mark's hands gripped to the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head. However, he couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on him. Mark looked up then to the side. His eyes were met with a pair of brown orbs glaring at him that belonged to a short male that was known for hating him; Donghyuck. Donghyuck looked away, his eyebrows still furrowed as he started to talk to Lucas.

Mark bit down on his bottom lip. Even once he pulled his gym shirt over his head, Mark was still looking at their direction. Eventually his eyes tore away and landed on another male he didn't know. Then another. And another. Mark didn't feel good anymore.

He quickly changed into his shorts and slammed his locker shut, storming off and pushing through the crowd to the back of the changing rooms. The steam from the showers were filling the room, making it seem harder to breathe.

"Mark!" Someone unrecognised figure yelled from behind him. "Mark Lee!"

Mark just kept sliding through the crowd and eventually he reached the back of the room. He quickly sat on the seat. Although, he didn't  stay there long, because of what he saw. The back of the room was surprisingly empty, so it almost made sense that there was a pair of guys getting too friendly behind the lockers. Mark stood up again, thanking that they didn't notice him, and quickly walked off.

"Mark!" The figure was more recognisable now that Mark almost ran face first into him. It was Ten.

"Oh, hey, Ten." Mark simply said.

"Are you alright? I've been calling your name but you just kept walking." Ten said as he ran his fingers through his own hair.

Mark sighed, his back slouching. "Honestly.. I'm not feeling the best, but I'll be fine. You have sport?" He questioned.


Mark's eyebrows furrowed. "Then-"

"I'm looking for Johnny."

"Oh.. Johnny's not in this class, Jaehyun is, and Jaehyun has a dentist appointment now."

"I- Damnit!" Ten groaned and pushed his hands into his pockets. "Do you know what class Johnny has now? I need to ask him something." He asked. Mark shook his head. "Shit, ok.. Well, I'll see you later, take care of yourself." Ten waved to the younger before he walked off and back out.

Mark stood there, looking at Ten then looking around again. He wasn't sure what to do anymore and why his head started to hurt, but once he saw Donghyuck glaring again, he quickly walked out.

warm touch. ✧ luwoo [nct]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora