Invincible Feeling

Start from the beginning

Late that night around eleven Barry confronted a The earth two meta who had been attacking the building. He was shocked to find out that she Laurel Lance's doppelgänger called Black Siren. She was killing him, but Wally came and saved the day. He hit her with his car and drove the Flash away from the scene.

Barry got back to STAR Labs where Caitlin started patching him up. His ear drum had been temporarily injured causing his ears to actually bleed, but he would be okay. Joe was angry at Barry because the talk He was supposed to have with Wally didn't do anything. He felt like Barry wasn't taking it seriously. He made another comments about the Speed Force being with them and Joe left.

Iris and Ella looked at each other as Barry walked into the medical lab. "You should take this one. I have to go help with the frequency tech." Iris looked at her in surprise. "Are you sure?" She smiled and nodded. "I-"

Ella took her aside. "Iris look, I know about everything okay? I know you have feelings for Barry." She said. Her friend looked down. "I also know you told him." "Ella I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I know you're dating Barry and that you both love each other. I never should have said anything." She apologized.

"Iris." Ella tried to get attention, but failed. "I don't even know where these feelings came from. It was out of no where honestly. Maybe it's because of what happened with Eddie or the fact Barry was the one to help me move on. . .I don't know, but-"

"Iris!" Ella said a little louder. She looked at her wide eyed. Ella smiled. "It's okay. I'm not upset. I mean. . .I was at first, but not anymore. Not when I understand just how you feel. I also know you can't help your feelings. And like you said it could just be because Barry helped you."
"So we're okay?" She asked. Ella smiled and nodded. "Of course we are. Your like a sister to me Iris. You're my best friend. And I wouldn't let something like this ruin that. Ever." Iris smiled back. "You're like a sister to me too, Ella." The girls hugged tightly and let go.

"Are you sure I should talk to him? You're his girlfriend." She said. "No. I'm sure. You're his best friend, Iris. You two grew up together. I never want you guys to lose that relationship just because of me." Iris smiled. "Thanks Ella." "No problem. Now I've gotta go. Good luck." She walked out, leaving Iris to talk to Barry.

After Cisco, Cait, Wells and Ella figured out how to stop the meta they explained it to the team. They would send out a frequency that only earth two people could hear and have Barry run around the city causing the frequency to bounce off of it. Hartley has given them the idea. It would disrupt their nervous system. For Wells and Jesse they designed special head phones to protect them from the pulse.

Just then the high rise apartments were attacked. Barry was conflicted. He wanted to save all those people, but he had to run so the frequency would ricochet. Cisco came up with an idea to have he and Caitlin impersonate Reverb and Killer Frost to distract Siren. It worked for a while, but soon she found out it was a fake.

Finally Barry was going fast enough so that they could send out the frequency. Wells activated it. It worked and all the earth two meta's were effected, but then Jesse started to feel the effects. Wells gave his head phones to her even with her arguments and ended up backing out along with the meta's around Central. While Henry took care of Wells, while Barry went on clean up duty. He brought all the meta's back and locked them up at Iron Heights or in the particle excelorator. Frustratingly enough Zoom had escaped to earth two, but at least for once there was peace.

That night Ella and Barry went out on a date. It was their first in a long time. After going to a movie, not that they actually watched the movie, they took a walk through the park. The pavement was freshly wet from the rain. Ella and Barry walked hand in hand silently, just enjoying each other's company.

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