go to fucking facebook

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ok ... ok ... o-fucking-k

this is getting fucking ridiculous

i get all these notifications and not a single fucking one has anything to do with me

and what is with some people

this is not fucking facebook

why do you feel the need to post every time you do something

why do i care

this is a writing site

so fucking write

i don't need to know your personal life

or whether you are blue

or that you are going for a bath

or you want someone to fucking role-play with you

do what you do on a writing site

and write

and even then

everyone doesn't need to know every fucking word you write

if i sent out a notification every time i wrote a poem or a new chapter, i would spend as much time sending out notifications as i would actually writing

so seriously people

think before you send out a notification to all your followers

and let it be about writing

not the fact that you are fucking bored and want someone to talk to

go to fucking facebook

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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