my love / hate relationship with writing and wattpad

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i am not like many of the writers here on wattpad.

besides not really considering myself to be a real writer,

i really don't take this writing thing too seriously.

that is not to say that i don't like writing ...

I fucking love writing

i just don't have any pipe dreams of fame and fortune.

fame to me is like the Phoenix, waiting in the ashes, looking for that special someone

to inspire it to rise again

in all its glory.

in all its glory

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well ... that ain't me ...

or is it,

that isn't me?

and fortune, in writing, is about as obtainable as finding that

mother of all gold nuggets

in the outbacks of Australia.

and i ain't fighting hoards of bugs and 40 degree celsius temperatures

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and i ain't fighting hoards of bugs and 40 degree celsius temperatures

to find gold.

i am just a 

past middle age man

who throws together words and on that rarest of rare occasions

they actually make sense.

and other times ...

i don't have a fucking clue what i am trying to say.

my second year on wattpad, 

disjointed commentaries by a writer who doesn't give a shitWhere stories live. Discover now