you had your say on ... 'votes'

68 16 45

I love the interaction that this series has brought with it.

It seems that everyone has an opinion about everything and some pretty cool dialogues have erupted, especially on the topic of 



If I comment I feel it must have been worth that time so I generally vote. In some cases where I have fallen far behind in contests, I will vote for nearly everyone unless I really don't like the work.

I have waited and commented on the whole story sometimes. And I lay on a bit of a mini review about how much I enjoyed it. As for voting, of course I would vote but just the once.

Selfishly, I'm not here for votes, just comments so I don't put a lot stock in them. I figure if you like something, say so. (I don't like emojis much either)

Votes are nice but they don't say it all.A comment tells me why they liked or disliked something. To me a vote says, overall, okay.



when I get one of those stars from someone... here's what I think: that the time spent with my words was their pleasure.

that's how I feel... and that's why I poke that star.

but, I wonder why we can't do one big, honk'n star... or maybe a planet... for the whole book WITH one comment bout the whole book.


i have a theory... it's bout the Olympics. I think that there should be two kinds... the regular... and a drugged up one.

So, in the first one, they could just continue as usual... and in the second.. they would compete all drugged up. See? everybody's happy. (I have many many restrictions and rules for the drugged up one... but I'm not really talk'n bout that.)

There could be two Wattpads...the part that just likes to write and share and read... and that part wouldn't have votes ... then there could be the competition Wattpad... and they could just go nuts over em... think if the possibilities!...the politics! the intrigue! :)...

BTW, the names you picked out for cloud and wind... thunder and lighten'n... that was real good.... real real good :) Mr Gusty said hey to me all day, today.



I guess...

If it is a not great chapter.. Don't vote. If as a reader you're comfortable with the writer then leave a comment. (Remember people are sensitive here)

If it's a good chapter vote.

If something stands out... Good or bad ...then comment.

Would that be sufficient?!



I too vote on every chapter I read. It helps me keep track of where I am (Wattpad's electronic bookmarks are maddeningly unstable). The way I see it, if my scattered attention is held all the way to the of a chapter, it's earned a little star.



I think I if someone has the courage to post their efforts for the world to criticise a vote is a just reward. I tend never to vote if I do not also comment.



Yes, I vote because it's what I generally do. I comment on all that I read (most of the time) and if am not upto posting a comment (if it failed to flatter my inner poetry eye) I click on the (in)famous star. They aren't pity votes, it's a habit I can't get rid of even if I wanted to. Personally, votes mean nothing to me if there is a comment.

Violet Eden


Voting just says hello I read your work it doesn't express how you truly feel unless you say so you know! But I feel everyone needs a comment just so they know if it is really good or not! Voting is cool but a comment is priceless!!


disjointed commentaries by a writer who doesn't give a shitWhere stories live. Discover now