your comments about comments

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I love to respond to comments made by my readers and yes love it when Authors who engage with their readers and respond to their comments. Because to me when I read a book, I tend to become so engrossed with characters and the story plot and the author taking his or time by responding to the comments I made, seems pretty humbling to me and yes the book gets more interesting to me than it is.



I have always thought that responding to those who comment was simply common courtesy, I still do. I also mourn the old notification system.

The reason I so love comments is that they open up debates. I have been fortunate to engage in some quite hilarious ones. :)))



I'm a new cat around the alley man so I don't know what the old site was like but you do have a have time to respond to everyone's comment that makes the readers appreciate you more at least that is my opinion!

Comments brings inspiration for me and reading someone's opinion makes me work harder! So I agree with giving a shit back they didn't have to write a comment but if they do it shows how much they actually love your work



Honestly, the comments I have received make me smile soo hard. Every. Damn. Time.I love comments because they make me feel so happy and bold to share even more poetry. I think that every dear comment has helped me shape into what I am today. There are a few who vote randomly on my poems whom I would go thank personally and there are a few who vote as they read, without verbalizing their thoughts. I thank them all the same for the time they have spent. There are others who vote like hell froze over and there is no other way out of it if they don't vote for the sake of it WITHOUT READING which made no sense to me. it was highly insulting because it took some time for me to realise they do that seeking my votes on their stuff.

Every comment has encouraged me but I don't take brutal criticism well. I would love constructive criticism, suggestions and friendly thoughts but I cannot tolerate hatred towards religion or calling me a terrorist because I have written about poverty and God. I have had trouble in the past with spammers sending me hate messages and threatening me with plagiarism. Wattpad can be both good and bad, I believe. Mostly it has done good for me, provided me with a beautiful opportunity to know so many kind souls.



I love the inspiration and encouragement it brings. I remember the first comments I got after joining Wattpad and they were so encouraging, they helped me believe in myself. I like returning the favor, I like leaving comments that encourage, that let someone know their is a soul out there in the wide wide world that cares. I am envious of those who are really good at leaving "good comments", I have to say @lyttlejoe is the best ever at leaving comments. He is so engaging and encouraging. I strive to leave better comments and I am grateful for every comment someone leaves me. It is a gift, a gift of time.



When someone comments, I get another view.... a different reflection..

Words that were put together with one mean'n, until a reader shows me somethin new, are never quite the same....they get fatter.

The other day, a real nice gal thought that I was call'n the people in my story, pigs... the idea that my words could lead someone to that conclusion NEVER occurred to me!

I thought it was pretty funny... but the pigs took umbrage :)

feedback is lifeblood. Last night, a poet I particularly enjoy, complimented one if my latest... he said it was humorous. I was floored!... that particular poem is bout a tragedy!... it's hard for me to describe how grateful, and happy, I was/am that he cared enough to read... and comment.


disjointed commentaries by a writer who doesn't give a shitWhere stories live. Discover now