The older one looks over at his lover, who's already taken his suit jacket and shirt off by now.

"You need to change or you'll catch a cold. Let me help you." the junior says, slipping Arthit's jacket off his shoulders.

Try as he might to look elsewhere, the senior's eyes are eventually drawn to Kongpob's naked torso and captivated by the way the lean muscles of his upper arms shift underneath the tanned skin as he proceeds to unbutton the shirt. Arthit absentmindedly licks his lips at the view and a sudden wave of lust washes over him, shaking him to the core.

"P'Arthit, you're shivering. I'll get you a towel." Kong says.

"Th-thanks ..."

Kongpob starts patting him dry from his neck, slowly making his way over his shoulders and chest, down to his abdomen. Wherever he touches, it leaves goosebumps in his tracks. Arthit keeps staring at his lover's hands. He bites hard on his lower lip when the junior pauses at his waist, just above his belt. Arthit's heart is hammering in his chest and he fears the other can hear it too.

"Done." Kongpob says.

Arthit looks up and takes the towel from him.

"Yeah ... thank you. We should ... uh ..."

Kongpob now has his hands free so he lowers them to his sides, closing his fingers tightly into fists. One step closer and he could wrap his arms around his P'.

"P'Arthit, you ..."

They are interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. Arthit gasps, pulling the towel to his chest.

"Kongpob, dear, are you boys ready to come downstairs?" Mrs. Suthiluck asks from outside the room. "Are you okay in there?"

Kongpob runs a hand through his damp hair and grabs a dry shirt to throw on quickly before he opens for his mother.

"I'm sorry, mom, we are almost finished. We will join you shortly."

"Alright then ... don't be too late. It would be rude towards the guests."

As they get ready to exit the room, the junior calls his P' and points out the window. The sky has cleared considerably and a rainbow shines from among the dissipating clouds.

"A rainbow! That must be a good sign, right?" Kongpob grins.


Once the couple joins the party, the guests welcome them with another round of applause. Arthit holds his husband's hand and hides his reddened face behind his man's shoulder.

"Let's walk around to greet people, P'Arthit." Kong offers.


Kongpob notices Yong and Nai near the terrace and walks up to them.

"P'Yong, Nai, I didn't get a chance to properly thank you for coming all the way from Chiang Mai. I'm really happy you did."

"Of course. We wouldn't miss it."

"Oh, you say that now, but the truth is you didn't want to -" Nai starts but his senior cuts him off.

"Yeah, okay, I admit it. It's true, I was going to refuse the invitation but a certain someone was so persistent ..." the older man explains.

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