Walking to my office, there was knock on the front door. Walking over to the front door there was Grace and some lady standing next to her.

Wait a minute...

"Grace? Is that really you honey?"

"Yes it is me, but I'm not the same little seven year old Grace anymore father. It's me in the flesh. This is Reeva Payge she took me in after you left me to die in the park that day. Reeva treated my wounds and I found out that I'm a mutant and that mutants need peace and a place to call home without being killed or thrown in jail for being a mutant." Grace mumbled.

Poor Grace my sweet little flower isn't my flower anymore.

"Jace who's at the door?" My wife Paula asks joining my side and in her eyes I could see sadness, shock, lonely, etc.

"Gracy bear is that you?" Paula asks our daughter reaching for Grace to make sure it was truely our daughter.

"Yes. This is your daughter Grace. She came here to say goodbye for good. She's a mutant she belongs to her own kind. Good day to you both." Reeva comments guiding Grace away from Paula and I.

I can't believe this, I finally get to see my daughter again, then she leaves because of mutants bringing an uprising on the world.

Turning on the radio in the house a song that fits this perfect moment right now.

Say Something (I'm Giving Up on You) by: A Big World featuring Christina Aguilera.

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one, if you want me to
Anywhere, I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all

And I will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
Anywhere, I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye

Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
And anywhere, I would have followed you
Oh, oh, oh, oh say something, I'm giving up on you

Say something, I'm giving up on you
Say something


Lauren's POV

I still can't forget that dream. It's been three days since I had that dream. Maybe it's a sign that whoever is mine and Andy next opponent is they will be dealing with two strong siblings that are bound to each others hearts. Not literally, but we're close enough to have each other backs all the way to the very end of time.

Andy and I agreed to spend an actual day together outside of HQ. With everyone getting the day off. I know that Fade wasn't getting a day off from keeping a close eye on me and Andy, it bothers me a little that Reeva doesn't trust me or Andy enough to not have Fade give her feed back on what we're doing outside of the HQ.

Looking towards the park, there we're pulifcers attacking some humans and mutants. Reeva training will come in handy she told all of us that if we see something that will hurt innocent mutants

Andy and I look at each other, and runs towards the park, luckily we made it in time to stop the enemy. Fade came out of nowhere and appeared at our side.

"Reeva wants us to deal with these freaks. I informed her of what is going on she wants you to combine your powers and end these freaks." Fade explains patting Andy and I on the back stepping back to watch us.

The Pulsifires look at Andy and I and smirk looking at us. "Oh look what we have here two more mutants to hurt." the leader smirks.

Andy and I look at each other quickly grabbing each other hand.

"Wait a minute their Von Strucker's attack them now." the leader commands his men.

A blast hits the Pulsifires immediate, Andy and I look over to where the blast came from it was from Lorna and Marcos.

"Good timing you too." Fade smiles hugging Marcos and Lorna having them join Andy and I.

"Fade what are you doing?" Andy asks Fade.

"I've been helping the mutant-underground since I arrived here in Washington D.C., Reeva thinks I'm helping her, but I'm really with the underground. Andy Lauren your parents ask about you all the time, they ask about your training and your health-"

An explosion went off from under mine and Andy's feet. All of us got knocked off our feet, the last thing I seen before passing out we're two tall light figures grabbing me and dragging me to a vehicle that was running.

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