7. Is That a Death Wish?

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Pic of Annabeth and Piper's outfit above.
The gymnasium looked like crap, honestly. It looked like there were streamers thrown everywhere and stuck to the wall with a piece of tape. There were desks pushed to the side from the classrooms and had silver plastic covers over them with a flower in the center. The chairs were cheap foldables. There was really no such thing as a prom decorating committee. Well, dance decorating committee.

I stepped into the gym, happy that I had on converse because I know my feet would have been bleeding by then. My hands starting shaking as I got closer to the music club that was playing covers to pop songs. Right now, I think it was We Found Love by Rihanna.

I bumped my head softly to the music. I put my mask on in the car and Piper pinned it in my hair so it wouldn't fly off when I danced (lol like that will happen). It was the same one that Ms. Minerva gave me earlier today. I played with the end of my straight hair.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked. There were students in their dresses and masks dancing to the upbeat music, drinking, or eating chips and dip.

Jason laughed. "We dance, have fun! When was the last dance you went to?" I blushed.

"Middle school prom. But I left early. Does that count?" I asked embarrassed. Piper shook her head.

"No, it does not. This is why you needed to come. Your going to regret missing out on your high school experience." Piper said. I think Piper doesn't realize how content I am with missing out. I'd rather avoid people to avoid getting hurt, which Drew does to me on a daily basis already.

"I'm good." I replied. Piper rolled her eyes at me before turning to Jason. She grinned at him and took his hand.

"Dance with me?" She asked, more like ordered. While fluttering her eyelashes in a pretty way. Jason looked at her like he was entranced. He nodded and led Piper to the center of the gymnasium.

Mingle! She mouthed to me. I sighed before looking for a seat out of her peripheral view. The tables were filled with students making small talk. I wondered how much of the status quo everyone was breaking tonight. It was a free buffet for flirting and making friends and everyone was grasping on the chance since we all had masks on.

That's bullshit in my opinion. We are all hiding behind masks because we are afraid of the consequences to stepping out of comfort zones. Holy crap! That was deep of me. Should I take my own advice and not give a damn?


I found a seat in the corner of the gym despite Piper and Thalia's orders. I was at the dance wasn't I? Why do I need to try my hardest to be someone I'm not?

Because I promised myself to show everyone I wasn't just another nerd. I really wish I didn't do that.

I sat in the seat uncomfortably. I made sure my dress didn't slide down when I sat. Wouldn't want to flash anyone my bra. My gown was long enough to cover my sneakers.

I watched couples dance together and taking breaks at the punch bowl. Seriously? A punch bowl? What year is it? 1999? I wonder who refills the stupid bowl.

"Seriously, she's so hot!" A voice said. I gently turned my head to the left and noticed two boys in tuxedos. They both had black hair, but one was wavy and the other was slick back with gel. One mask was completely back and covered the entire upper half of his face and the other's red mask covered the left half of his in a nice Phantom of the Opera style. The one with the black mask was taller than the other.

"Then, if you like her so much, make a move dumbass!" Black mask told the guy in the red mask.

"That's rich coming from a guy who can't even stick up for his own crush." The black mask practically growled.

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