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God, why was the school's clinic so cold? Percy thought to himself as he rubbed his arms, trying not to shiver like a little girl. It was only spring, so the air conditioners didn't need to be on. Yet again, the temperature matched the tone of the room, plain and uninviting.

Why did he agree to the job? Why did he have to be short three credits to graduate?

Percy ran a hand through his dark hair and dropped the pen he used to draw stick figures in his notebook. Dr. Goph never asked him to do much except take down height and weight measurements of students who needed checkups and stuff like that. Percy also had the privilege of taking out the garbage every afternoon. He stayed in the back room most of the time.

He liked it though. Most of the time the job was quiet and he was able to catch up on his studies—Percy wasn't that much of an idiot—when Dr. Goph didn't need him to do anything. Dr. Goph was nice to him, and Percy was comfortable around him enough to talk to him about anything. Occasionally Drew would stop by and bug him, but he'd always brush off her company. His mom had taught him to always respect women, but Percy's had wanted to tell her off for the longest. He only wanted attention from one person.

Annabeth Chase. Genius. Gorgeous. And completely not Percy's.

He thought about Drew and her minions throwing food at her earlier. The look on her face as she ran out the cafeteria...he couldn't even think about it.

Percy had liked her for so long that he didn't know what to do about it, he couldn't contain himself when he thought about her.

"Percy!" He heard Dr. Goph call him from the front desk.

"Yeah?" He responded to let him know he was awake and not sleeping in a bed again. (It happened a lot.)

Percy stood up immediately, ready to work quickly so he could go back to his world of boredom. As soon as he stepped out the room, his heart sped up like he was in a relay race.

Speak of the devil, and the devil shall appear...

Annabeth was sitting in a chair next to Piper, Jason's girlfriend, looking a bit dazed. Piper grinned at him as if she knew something he didn't.

"Take care of...what's your name?" Dr. Goph asked her.

"Annabeth," she answered him.

A wicked gleam appeared in his eyes as Dr. Goph glanced at Perch, and he wanted to drown in a bucked of syrup.

"Annabeth. Percy? Please take down her information." He said. Percy glowered at him, hoping Dr. Goph could see the silent promise to kill him through his eyes. He knew exactly who she was.

Percy sighed and then turned to Annabeth, giving her a small smile to appear less idiotic then he felt.

"What happened?" He asked her immediately, taking in her form. Her hair was up in a ponytail, showing off her pretty facial features, her high cheekbones and pouty lips that he wanted to—Percy blinked to clear those thoughts. Her forehead was a bit red, but the rest of her looked unharmed.

"What h-ha—" A subtle smacking sound filled the air — "happened? Dodgeball happened."

Dodgeball, the epitome of danger, stupidity, and a whole lot of fun. Percy nodded in understanding. She probably got hit too hard with a ball, most people go nuts when it comes to the game, forgetting that that it isn't life or death.

I'm No CinderellaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora