Chapter 45 - Dragon's Gift

Start from the beginning

But what was he doing? This was a coward's place, he thought to himself his hands balling up into fists as he looked on at the city. The spot of a ruler, of a leader too afraid to do anything and instead chose to let others fight for him! Avil turned toward the city his brown eyes beginning to turn into a shade of orange as his own power began to flood into his body. He didn't know what he'd be able to do, but being out there fighting amongst the people sure beat waiting here for the spawn to come to him. 

"Hey Under!" He heard a familiar voice call out and when Avil turned to look he saw a figure with rainbow lights streaming around his feet coming to him. He narrowed his eyes and was surprised to see that it was Troy waving at him. "I'm glad you're here-" He said before bringing up a bag that was squirming around. "This little guy won't stop squirming-"

Troy let out a gasp as the bag opened up and Nim flew out directly to Avil, coiling around his shoulders and hissing at Troy. "Wha- Why do you have Nim?" Avil asked patting the infant on the head and giving Troy a look. "Where's Isa?"

"He's scrapping with a right twisted looking guy over by the Crystal Lake." Troy said pointing to a rather far off island that had a lot of smoke raising from it. "He said take the kid and get out of there. I tried hanging back to help but those things they- They just don't go down no matter how hard ya hit em!"

"I know..." Avil said stroking the side of Nim who was trembling now. He looked out towards the island where Isa was fighting against someone, and he knew in his heart that meant Ruin and Morgan were out there fighting too. "I need to be out there."

"Oh you're split cuz, no sane man would-"

"I'm going!" Avil said before he hurried into the Allurring, he wasn't sure whether or not Troy was following him but that didn't quite matter to him at this point. He was looking around for Yeva and when he spotted her helping several injured people dress their wound he ran over to her. "Yeva!" He called making her look up to him. "I need you to watch after this little guy."

Avil grabbed Nim and pulled him from his shoulder holding the wriggling dragon out to Yeva who didn't look like she wanted to take him. When Nim continued to thrash around Avil brought him to eye level and spoke sternly. "Nim stop it!" He said making Nim's body go lax as the little dragon looked him in the eye. "I need to get out there and help. You need to stay here with Yeva alright?" As if in response the little dragon began to squirm again. "Look you'll only be in the way out there!" He said in an even sterner voice. "I can't help if I'm worried about one of those things grabbing you. Do you understand me?"

Nim's big silver eyes stared at Avil for the longest time before they blinked and the little dragon let out a chirping sound as if to say he understood. This time when Avil held him to Yeva the little dragon didn't thrash his body around, he didn't protest or anything he simply let himself be taken by a stranger. Avil quietly thanked Lord Iro for somehow making Nim understand him before he began to head towards the cave entrance again only to have Yeva grab his hand.

"You're not really going out there are you?" She asked with a frightened expression on her face. "Those things are- There worse than anything these stories talk about, they could kill you."

Avil turned his body back to her and nodded his head. "They might, but if I don't go out there while my friends are fighting than what kind of king can I hope to be?"

"A kind doesn't need to fight his own battles." Yeva exclaimed. 

"No-" Avil said agreeing with her before he gave her a half-hearted smile. "But that's not the kind of king I want to be."

Yeva's eyes grew slightly larger just then but she must've understood because her hand loosened on his wrist and Avil was able to pull away. He ran into the tunnel and out the other side where he found Troy still standing, looking out among the city and when he turned he spoke. "You're cracked," He said. "Cracked I tell you!"

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