I am very possessive

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"You want anything?" I asked him as his eyes were still lingering.

"Nothing at all." He said and I nodded my head and moved forward.

"Guys this is my best friend Dylan. He has just come from London and he will be joining us here." I said as we made it to the table.

"This is Sam." I said and Sam got up to shake hands with him. Dylan smiled and Sam quickly caught the vibe and smiled back. There was one thing you need to know about Dylan is that he makes friends really easy.

"That is Rebecca and Daniel." I said and Rebecca got up to hug him but Daniel pulled her back. I chuckled at this gesture and I am sure Dylan did too. Rebecca had a very different look in her eyes. She was batting her eyelashes and behaving giggly which was very weird.

"And you know Ayan." I said and they shook hands but there was still some tension between them. I had to do something about it very soon because I wanted both of them to get along.

"Wait. How does he know Ayan?" Sam asked.

"We met in LA. It was quiet a meet." Ayan said as he smirked. I shot him a look and he knew he couldn't behave like that to him.

"How are you liking New York?" Rebecca asked and she giggled. She was behaving extremely weird in front of him.

"I like this place. On my way here I accidentally met this beautiful girl." Sam said and now I understood what he was looking for.

"Girl? Where? Is she from college?" Daniel asked and it was nice that Dylan was already mixing up with my friends.

"Yes I met her when I was coming here. We crashed into each other and when we got up she had that anger on her face but all I could see was her beautiful brown eyes." Dylan said dreamily and I knew this was going to be an exciting chapter.

"What happened then?" Sam asked and everybody was taking interest in his story.

"She gave me this fierce look and told me to apologise. She had such an amazing attitude and her presence was so intimidating. I have to meet her again."

"That is easy. Tell us her name we can help you find her." Ayan said and he pulled me towards him.

"Next time you want to run into somebody's arms it should be mine. I don't like someone holding you like that. I want to hold you like that." Ayan whispered in my ears and I giggled.

"You are such a jealous man. Why so possessive?" I said as I kissed him on the cheek. Whenever I kissed him on the cheek he would just close his eyes and a wide blush would appear on his face. It was so cute.

"I am very possessive when it comes to you. You're mine and I love you. If any man holds you in his arms it should be only me." He said and his firm on my waist got tighter.

"I don't know her name but I will surely recognise her once I meet her." Dylan said and I realised we were still on the story.

Due to some technical reasons there will be no more classes today. All students are requested to leave college immediately.

The whole cafeteria burst into shouts of rejoice. No more classes for the rest of the day is a dream for every student.

"You're our lucky charm Dylan. You arrive and we get a day off." Rebecca said and I didn't know why she was flirting so much. Daniel was sitting right there.

"Where is Nicole?" Dylan asked me and I still can't believe he was so excited to meet her. Didn't he just talk about some other girl?

"She left. Veronica she just messaged me that she will see you at home." Sam said and I nodded my head.

15 Days With The Possessive BillionaireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora