Leyna H.- Solangelo (sorry, again)

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Yo! I'm Leyna, as you can see if you can read. Um, yeah.  I go to Canyon High, in Texas. I'm not unpopular but definitely not popular. I have my choice friends, and they're all gay, besides about 2 of them. That wasn't planned but it just ended up that why I guess.

I have natural red hair, that goes down to a bit below my shoulders, I have blue eyes and I'm very tall. I don't think I'm pretty, but my friends beg to differ.

One of my closest friends goes by the name of Will Solace, and no I don't have a crush on him, I'm a lesbian. But he is a bean and if anyone was mean to him I wouldn't hesitate to steal their knee caps.

Hes pretty good looking I guess, once again, I'm a lesbian. He has blonde hair, a tan, and sky blue eyes, basically he looks like a surfer boy. He also has an unbelievable way with healing people?? Don't ask why I know that, field day gets wild dude.

Anyway, on the the actual story.

It was during lunch, and everyone was sitting at the table.
I walked in on my girlfriend Alexis (did I mention I have a gf? Well I do) telling a story,

Hold up, let my talk about my girlfriend bc I love her thank.
Wellll, she's adorable, she so tiny. My friend Maxine always talks about how cute she thinks our height difference is. She has back curly hair that goes a bit shorter then her shoulders, she has cute glasses and is really artistic, she also loves BTS, like, with a passion. So she draws then frequently, and her art is so amazing like wow. (Me trying to put myself in the mindset of Leyna and her gf irl sksk)
Anyway, to what she had to say.
"And then, I shit you not, the teacher walks in, and falls straight on her face, just, fucking down!" Everyone at the table laughed, and I sat down next to her, grabbing her hand.
"Yo, guys" Will said grabbing one of the disgusting popcorn "chicken" and popping it into his mouth, "My friends from camp are coming to pick me up for spring break, you can meet them if you want. " He said casually. "What??" I scream, "I finally get to meet the infamous Nico?" Will blushed slightly,  nodding his head.

When I tell you, that Will never shuts up about Nico, I fucking mean it. There hasn't been a day that has gone by without this boy talking about his boyfriend, god he's whipped.

The bell rang to signal the end of lunch

___Time skip, end of the day___

All the kids filed out of the doors towards the back of the school, I tightened my grip on Alexis' hand as we weaved through the kids, trying not to get trampled, seperate, or both. Will, our friends Tayler, Maxine, and Emma said they'd meet us outside. I brought Alexis close to my side to hide our hands as we passed the administrator, not wanting to get yelled at for PDA.

We walked over to stand against the side of the school next to the others. Will was very visibly happy, basically jumping around. "There they are!" Will shouted, basically blowing out my eardrum.

We all looked in the direction he was pointing, a large truck, does that say strawberries??? His friend's van lowkey looks like a kidnappers but go off.

A "Who let Leo drive?? " Was heard as the side of the van opened, basically falling over each other a group if kids came out of the back. "My driving is excellent, you're just cowards!" A smaller kid, who I'm assuming is Leo said as he climmed out of the driver seat.

"I like them already." Emma said, fixing the glasses on her face and moving her blonde hair our of her eyes. She still has those hearts on her face?? Emma is an interesting being, she likes the e-girl aesthetic and wears hearts under her eyes everyday, but I guess you do you boo.

As Will basically ran across the field to them I got a better look, with the rest of us slowly trailing behind him, we are very awkward.

There were 3 girls and 4 boys, all very intimidating and powerful looking. The girls were very pretty, you can't deny it, but I have Alexis so I'm good.
There was a girl with blonde curly hair, scary gray eyes, and tan skin, she looked like she could beat me up. Then there was a girl with darker skin, she had choppy brown hair with a few braids and feathers in it. Her eyes were so cool! They kept changing color, not like, "my eyes go from green to brown" but like, bright blue to gray to brown. They were so pretty.

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