Chad Member-Theyna (sorry)

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Sup, the names Member, Chad Member. My dad is making me "Learn about making money" and "get experience"... (Fuck you dad). So i have to work at a restaurant... as a waiter. Only good thing about it: hot chicks. There are tons of hot girls that come here. I can have them begging to be my girlfriend with my blond hair and blue eyes and strong jaw.

     So one day, these girls come in. One has long black hair in a braid and almost black eyes... she was kinda scary. Then the other girl, she had short spikey black hair. I could tell instantly she was punk. Her eyes were electric blue... she looked scarier than the first. 

     I started walking over to their table, as another waiter was. I put my hand up to stop her, she stopped of course, my dad owns the restaurant and she doesn't want to lose her job. I walked over, with a sexy smile on my face, immediately the punk girl sighed dreamily (*in annoyance*). I knew she wanted me, I could feel it.

I leaned over a little farther, and in my sexy voice that no girl could resist said "So what will it be for you gorgeous ladies today?" The girl with the long hair next to the punk just rolled her eyes, and seemed to look at me with pity. Like, excuse you? I could buy your life! Of course I didn't say that out loud....

The punk girl... looked for some unknown reason.... Mad? She started getting up, so I backed up a little. The other girl put her hand on the punk girls arm and said "Thalia.... This is not the time nor the place. Calm down... for me...." The punk girl, Thalia, seemed to calm down a little. 

They ordered after that whole.... thing. I don't know what it was about that girl but... she just seemed so powerful, both of them did. The Thalia girl just had some kind of, glow to her. 

I brought their food to them. Still determined to win her over, I tried again. There is no way that I am letting that GiRl wiN and nOt be aMazeD by mY BEAUTY!!!!.... anyway. 

Multiple times I tried flirting with Thalia, and sometimes even the other girl, apparently named Reyna, like what kind of name is that??! They paid the bill... I tried one last time...

"Sooo," I leaned on the table," do you have any plans for tonight?"

Thalia said, "Look man," in a scarily calm voice," just leave me alone. I'm gay, this" she points to Reyna," Is my girlfriend. So just... kindly... fuck off?" Reyna kissed her cheek.

I watched as they walked out hand in hand into the busy city. I turned around, defeated. All of my coworkers were standing there. As if on cue, they all started laughing and pointing, especially all the female coworkers I had flirted with. I started to cry and screamed at them          " YOU WILL HEAR FROM MY FATHER!" and ran into the bathroom.... and slipped on some piss I was supposed to clean up and fell face first into a toilet........

Fuck you Theyna...

{I AM SO SORRY!!!! I lost all motivation for writing and just..... SORRY I have no good excuse,,,,,, sorry}

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