Chapter 5.

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Chapter five.

149 days until the premiere

[Monday, 07.30 a.m Piccadilly Circus underground station.]

The air felt thickening inside of Harry's lungs as the train slowed in at Piccadilly station. People, people everywhere, every damn morning. He really wished he had gotten that drivers license back when he was younger if only the thought of taking a seat behind the wheel didn't make his head spin.

The door opened and people streamed out, everyone with their eyes turned blankly forward. They all had somewhere to be and no one was allowed to get in their way, and Harry followed their lead out from the underground tunnels. As he stepped outside he breathed in a lung of air, rushed over the trafficked street as the light turned green. Crossed the Piccadilly square, avoided early morning tourists and their iPhone cameras and rounded a corner until he spotted the well known yellow sign and entered the theatre.

He shut up the door, pushing his bag aside to get through. He moved through the building without looking up, hung off his jacket and bag inside his locker and grabbed his script before heading towards the kitchen to grab a cup of watery coffee, at least it was better than spending £5 on an overrated cafe latte from Starbucks. Luckily he didn't meet someone until he stepped inside the auditorium with his cup clutched in his hand, yesterday's mishap with Camille had stressed him out all morning, and there she was. Sitting on the edge of the stage, her face snapping back forward as soon as she saw it was him who stepped inside.

He moved over the stage, nodded as Niall greeted him good morning and sat himself down at his usual chair, opened the script, mostly to avoid Camille's obscure eyes and began to read.

"Good morning lads! And Camille, I've been meaning to ask you, do you feel excluded when I use that word? Because that is not my intention at all!" Louis merry voice spoke out as he joined the others on the stage. Harry's head snapped back up to look at him, and at once the air around him seemed less hostile.

"I can live with being a laddie, that's not a problem." Camille fired of a warm smile towards Louis who tilted his head towards her.

"Ace! Alright," he clapped his hands together, "Today's the day, I've rigged my camera gear upstairs and I'll call you up one by one during the day, sounds good?" Everyone around the room gave him a nod and he looked around, "Nick? Wanna go first?"

"Surely, let me just grab my things."

Harry looked as Nick skipped over to his bag, a tumble of nerves hitting him as he realised he would soon be next to go up. Standing in front of a camera, representing the character he felt almost no connection to. He knew it would be a disaster and that Louis would see him for the fiasco he was.

"Hey," he felt a hand on his shoulder and jumped in surprise. Louis had walked up next to him, and in his hand, he held a piece of paper, "Here's that nonsense I promised you," He said and handed him the paper. Harry looked down at what was written and a tiny smile broke out on his lips. Louis handwriting was neat and cursive, it reminded him of his year 3 teacher back home in Holmes Chapel.

He barely had the chance to thank him before he was on his way down the stairs again, "Thanks!" He called out after him and Louis gave him a smirk before walking out.

[Monday, 15.46 p.m Jermyn Street Theater Kitchen]

A sigh left Harry as he opened the microwave door. Why hadn't Louis called him up yet? The thick nervous knot in his stomach only grew bigger the more time that passed. It didn't help that Camille hadn't spoken a word to him except when she needed to, or that she and Zayn had the time of their lives during the rehearsals.

He grabbed the cup of ramen from the microwave but flinched as he burned his finger, "Fuck!"

"You alright?"

Harry turned to the entrance, to find Louis standing there with concerned eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I never learn with this stupid cup noodles," he placed the cup on the counter.

"I've got time for your portrait now if you're ready, but maybe you'll have to eat first?" Louis asked.

"No, that's fine. I'm ready now," Harry said, trying to hide how nervous he really was as he followed Louis upstairs and inside the dance studio that was now operating photo-studio.

"Are you ready for this?" Louis said, pointing him towards the white backdrop and grabbing his camera.

"Do I have a choice?" Harry bit his lower lip, his eyes darting all over the room as he placed himself in the centre of the backdrop, two bright lights hitting him in the face.

Louis gave him a peculiar smile, "No, not really," and then he lifted the camera and without warning he snapped a shot.

Harry flinched at the sudden flash, "Hey! I wasn't ready!"

"I'm sorry, just wanted to shock you a little. So you know what's coming."

Moments later, Harry still moving stiffly in front of the camera, he seemed to have lost control over his face. He couldn't make it do anything that Louis asked him to.

Louis peaked his face out from behind the camera, his finger still on the shutter, "How are you feeling?"

"I don't think this will work. To be honest, I'm quite uncomfortable," Harry said, leaning his weight back and forth between his feet.

Louis gave it a quick thought, then he put the camera down, "Fuck this, let's go somewhere else?"

Harry's brows knitted together, "What?"

"Let's go somewhere where you can feel inspired. This room doesn't do any good. What do you say?" Louis said, examining Harry's reaction.

"Sure,...but where?"

"I think I know the perfect spot. Do you trust me?" Louis asked and Harry's eyes narrowed.

"It depends. Are you a safe driver?"

Louis gave out a chuckle, "I promise I'll drive safely as long as you're in the car. Okay?"

"Mhm, okay. Let's go," Harry agreed and Louis face lit up.

"Great, you find something you would like to wear and I'll pack these things up!"

What had he just agreed on? Harry asked himself, but as he watched Louis packing up the camera equipment he forgot about the anxious tingling in his stomach. Maybe going somewhere else was just the thing he needed to find Dorian somewhere inside of him.

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