Chapter 6.

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 [Jermyn Street Parking Garage, 16:15 p

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[Jermyn Street Parking Garage, 16:15 p.m.]

"Nice ride," Harry said as he looked around inside the car, stroking his hands against the light leather seat. He didn't know much about cars, but this one seemed,...nice.

Louis turned his key inside the ignition lock, pushed the gas pedal and steered out of the garage, "I'm sorry about the tobacco smell," he said, pinning his lips together, "I wish I could tell you it was like this when I bought it, but that would be a total lie."

Harry watched as they passed out onto Regent-street, rush hour, he thought, glad to be seated inside of a car, "You're that hooked, are you?" he asked, turning towards Louis.

Louis gave out a sigh, as he turned the steering wheel into a roundabout, "Unfortunately."

Harry eyed Louis hand on the wheel and bit his lip, "I don't mind the smell," he said, turning to look outside the window again, it hadn't taken them long to get them away from the worst traffic, "As long as you don't smoke in the car when I'm in it."

A smile tugged on Louis' lip, "You really hate it, huh? The smell?"

Harry gave out a shrug, wrinkling his nose, "The smell, the concept, everything," he turned quite, eyed Louis from the side, "To be honest,...I've got this irrational fright for lung cancer."

Louis' eyes widened, before he looked to Harry with soft eyes, "I don't believe that is an irrational fear. I think that's a fear everyone should have, maybe then people will stay away from cigarettes?"

"Want me to scare you?" Harry said, wiggling his brows.

Louis gave out a laugh, "Sadly that won't help. I've tried," he said, turning the car into a crossing.

"Yeah, I tried that on Zayn when we moved in together. He did quit tho, best four months in my life," Harry said, the bitterness more obvious then he had planned.

"But he started again?" Louis asked, giving Harry a quick glance.

Harry gave out a smirk, "Of course he did. You smokers are weak."

"That we are," Louis agreed with a slow nod.

Harry turned to look out the window, they were now leaving the city behind, nature taking over the pavement around them from skyscrapers and fumes.

[Iford manor, 16.40 p.m.]

Harry closed the car door, eyes wide as he took in the majesty before him, "Wow, you've brought me to a castle!?"

Louis walked up to Harry, his eyes following where Harry was looking. Before them towered a stone building, very much like a castle, "It's not an actual castle, more like a mansion. But they've got a beautiful public garden that's perfect for photography," he explained and opened the trunk of the car. "Do you want to change clothes in the car, or?" he asked eyeing Harry's change of clothes in the trunk.

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