"This weekend has been nuts," I think back at everything that happened, "oh how was super duper fun day?"

Will laughs, "Ara is something special, I'll tell you, she organized this insane day of fun with the craziest food and games. But as much as I wanted to, I couldn't enjoy it without you."

"You know with all the perfect things you're saying, my heart is gonna explode," I tell him.

"Your heart will adjust, you deserve to know the truth and I will never lie to you, Luce," Will says and throws me a quick smile before focusing back on the road.

We pull into the gate of Will's house and a man named Roger is on duty.

"Mr. Williams, what are you doing out at this hour on a Sunday night?" Roger asks. I glance at the clock on the dash and realize it's well past midnight.

"I was bringing Lucy home. The Evans clan," Will turns around to wink at me,"is moving in."

"Alright then," Roger opens the gate and Will pulls in. I wake up the kids as Cole steps out of the house and I see Ara quickly behind him. Will called him when we left my house.

Cole'e become a different person since he met Ara. He's still got the sarcastic air to him, but he's friendlier, happier. And they are so cute together, they flirt like crazy. I totally ship them together. I'll come up with a ship name once my brain is functioning.

Will also mentioned earlier that he and Cole have gotten closer again. Like brothers. It's so sweet.

Cole comes over and easily picks up a sleeping Paul.

"Welcome home, Lucy," Cole greets with a smile. I smile back at him.

"Thank you, Cole," I gratefully thank him.

"Luce," Ara whispers and hugs me tightly. I feel tears in my eyes, "you could have told me."

"I know," I whisper, "but it's okay you know now."

"Well I know the gist of it. I'd like more details when you're ready, if you're not what I currently know is enough too," she says supportively.

"Thank you, Ara," I hug her tightly.

Will carries Steven and I scoop up Emily. Ara gently pulls Emily from my arms and in my tired state I let her. Will leads us to the closest bedroom and puts them together.

"They'll each have their own room, but for now if they wake up alone in an unfamiliar place they'll freak," he reasons.

I nod my head," good idea."

I turn around to go grab the bags from the car when two servants enter the room and gently place them in the corner of the room. Will takes my bag from the servant and laces his hand in mine.

"Thanks, Cole, and Thanks, Ara," Will says softly.

"Anytime, get some sleep, we have school tomorrow," Cole says and exits the room, his hand looped in Ara's. Will leads me out of the room and up the stairs.

"Which room am I staying in?" I ask him. He stops in front of his room.

He releases my hand and opens the door to his room. He slides my bag along the hardwood floor and into his room. He turns to me.

"This will be our room now," he strides towards me and in one motion he carries me bridal style.

"Will, what are you doing?" I whisper to him.

"I'm carrying you across the threshold as per tradition," he states and shuts the door behind him.

"That's for when people get married," I reply. He shrugs.

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