Chapter 17 - Going Home

Start from the beginning

"Ms. Vaughan,

We would be honoured that you would create a Dubstep remix of our song Radioactive. You have our full permission to do so.

We hope to hear from you soon.

- Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons"

Vaughan just stared at the screen for a moment, her mouth gapped open at the sight.

"I--I don't believe it..."

"What's wrong?" Jazz asked.

"Is everything okay?" Spike asked with worry.

"Is everything okay? Okay? It's great! They said yes! I can make the Dubstep remix!" She exclaimed.

"Yes!" Spike cheered as the two of them high fived.

"This is awesome! I-I-I need to get to work, I need my laptop!" Vaughan ran over to her backpack which was kept next to her suitcase as she began unzipping the bag.

"Whoa, you're starting now?" Sparkplug asked. "Your mother will be here any minute now."

"But that's the point!" Vaughan stated as she pulled out her laptop and turned it on. "My mom has a bit of a thing when it comes to me and music. She thinks it gets into the way of my school work, and that it will make me end up in a dead end job or something."

"But doesn't she know that music is something you want to get involved in when you're older?" Bumblebee asked.

"I don't know, maybe. If she is, she isn't doing a very good job of telling me that." Vaughan answered. "I'm just going to get started on this. That way there's less work to be done during school, and then my mom won't act so ticked about it."

"Perhaps if you tried to explain the situation to Ms. Witwickey?" Optimus Prime suggested.

"Believe me Prime, I've tried." Vaughan replied.


A few minutes later, Hound pulled up into the base, bringing in Margret Witwickey, Vaughan's mother.

The girl said her final goodbyes to the Autobots and her family, then climbed into the jeep, bringing her belongings with her.

The trip to the airport was long, but not too dull.

Vaughan and Margret chatted about what they did for the week and how the city of Toronto was somehow surviving without Vaughan.

Margret has a habit of over reacting.

Once at the airport, Vaughan gathered her belongings as she said her final goodbye to Hound.

"Say goodbye to the others again for me?" She asked him.

"Of course Vaughan." Hound replied. "You're going to miss us, aren't you?"

"Big time." She smirked.

"Honey, we need to go." said Margret.

"I'm coming!" The girl called. She looked back over to the green jeep that was revving its engine as various cars and taxi cabs passed by. "I'll see you guys soon."

Vaughan waved goodbye as Hound drove down the road. She watched him go as she walked towards the large building, meeting with her mother at the entrance as the two of them proceeded inside.


During the flight home, Vaughan continued to work on her first Dubstep remix. She was so excited to it done and show it to the hand so she could continue to work on it. Truth be told, she never did want to stop. She fell in love with creating Dubstep music. It was incredible to see the smiles on the Autobots faces when they heard it.

It brought a smile to Vaughan's face as well.

She never felt so happy before. She's never felt this happy since... her father left over seas.

"Honey? Everything okay?" Margret asked.

Vaughan regained focus as she looked up at her mother who was in the seat beside her. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm alright."

"We'll be home soon." Margret replied. "Look out the window."

Vaughan took her headphones off and inched her head over to the small window to the left of her chair. She looked out and spotted a city over head and caught the view of a high structure.

A tower.

The CN Tower.

Vaughan smiled at the sight. As much as she would miss Spike, Sparkplug, the Autobots, and Mission City.... It was good to be back home.

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