I looked my best friend up and down, checking if she looked alright for her crush. She wore some black skinny jeans and a blue arm less blouse, I opened the first 2 buttons of her blouse and pushed her boobs, so that cute little crush would be welcomed by this amazing sight.

I grabbed her hand again and stood before this Thirlwall girl and Laur´s crush, "Um, excuse me, are these seats free?"

Jade´s POV

I´ve waited for Perrie to come back, because she suddenly left. After about an hour or so, she came back with Lauren, Camila´s crush. Perrie talked to her dad, shooting his girlfriend daggers, before making her way to our side of the table, with Lauren in tow.

Wait what, she´s coming to our side of the table, I pinched myself. Ouch, I´m definitely not dreaming, this is true, Perrie fucking Edwards makes her way to me, why does it mean that much to me? She´s just another girl, sure she´s hot, but still, I never get that excited over anyone coming towards me ever. It´s because you like her. No I don´t.

I could feel Camila get really nervous next to me, she slightly tensed, every step they came nearer towards us. I looked my best friend up and down, seeing if her look was good for her crush and I´d say she looked great. It´s time for her to wow her crush.

I got pulled out of my little thought session, when I heard the most beautiful voice ever, "Um, excuse me, are these seats free?"

This is real, Perrie Edwards is asking to sit right in front of me, this isn´t some dream, this is reality. "Yeah sure, you can sit here if you want" So Perrie sat down in front of me and Lauren in front of Camila. If I haven´t misjudged it I would say Lauren was as nervous as Camila, but why? Does she like her?

"Do you like the BBQ so far?" I asked, spotting a slight smile on Perrie´s face, as she looked at her friend, who chatted it away with Camila, they´ll be such a cute couple, I could tell that she grew really bored and I wanted to get to know her anyways, so that´s what I´m doing right now.

I could see her being hesitant, like she was thinking about something, before she responded, it´s like she´s afraid of talking to me or something, which is weird because she doesn´t even know me, well I hope that Lauren hasn´t told her about all the girls.

"It´s pretty boring, if I could I wouldn´t be here right now"


"I don´t know anyone here and I´d rather be in my girlfriend´s arms right now, then sit here and do absolutely nothing" she´ d rather be in her girlfriend´s arms right now, that´s like a punch in the jaw, a strong one it hurt like hell.

"But you could make new friends here" I suggested and she sighed a bit.

"I don´t really know about you, Thirlwall is it?"

"Jade" she looked at me confused, "I prefer being called Jade" I told her smiling.

"Sure, I don´t know about you, Jade, but I was told not to talk to you and I heard about your little games with all the girls in your school, how you date them for a few days, make them feel loved and then drop them and never talk to them again, or how you´re fucking nearly the entire school in the janitor´s closet, so I really am not one for that and I´m in a relationship, so your tricks don´t work on me"

So she knew about my life, well shit. I bet that bitch told her to stay away from me and not talk to me. And Lauren told her about my school life for sure. It´s hard hearing her talking about me like this, normally I don´t give a fuck, but when she said it, I could feel my heart break a little. Because you like her. Shut up conscious.

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